need help with sex


Well-Known Member
Ok I have read the 101 questions and looked at the pic unfortunatley i cant post pics for some reason to have you guys look at , I dont see balls but not sure if what I see is hairs for a female they look like hairs but are kind of gren not white any ideas??? I will keep trying to get a pic posted


Well-Known Member
if it's a green thing coming out at the top of one of your stems that looks like a bud almost, it's a male, if it's coming off of the stems near the nodes, it's a stipule..not a sign of sex.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the quick reply its coming up by the nodes so I guess it isnt a sign of sex can someone give me a link with more than just the 2 pictures in the 101 questions please, I just need to know where too likk exactly


Well-Known Member
HAHAHA thats exactly what i was thiking when i read the thread name.

I was gonna suggest "Step1, find willing partner, step 2 remove clothes..."



Well-Known Member
Here is a pic for you...1st= male 2nd =female

thanks a bunch thats exactly what I was looking for so its official I have a girl now she is the only survivor of my 3 sprouts she has been on 12/12 for 5 days is it too late for me to clone her?

