Need help with side lighting - Please advise


Active Member
Hello RIU,

I am currently in my 2nd week of flowering and I have noticed that my girl is getting a big wide for the 250W sHPS I have her on. I want to put some side lighting to help with the side growth that isn't getting much light. My grow is in a linen closet so there is no mylar covering the sides so reflection is almost nil. I want to put a few light "tubes" along the sides of the linen closet vertically so one for each corner of the closet, in total 4. I was wondering though what kind of light tube would it be? I've been researching a bit and I know what color temps the bulbs have to be just not sure where to find any to suit my idea. If anyone has any input or any info as to where I can find something like what I'm looking for please share your thoughts. Thanks for your time everyone.


P.S. Would there be a way to place 4 t5's in there; one for each corner??


Well-Known Member
pet stores have T8 plant/aquarium red bulbs(tubes 22") about $11

or for that socket warm CFL's...

I also grow in closet...22" x 20" x 5ft...and use a 600w hps...

trim some lower branches that are taking energy and will only give small buds...let most of upper areas use energy..



Active Member
pet stores have T8 plant/aquarium red bulbs(tubes 22") about $11

or for that socket warm CFL's...

I also grow in closet...22" x 20" x 5ft...and use a 600w hps...

trim some lower branches that are taking energy and will only give small buds...let most of upper areas use energy..
Thanks for the reply. Do you think I can place a higher wattage bulb in that socket without problems? Also wondering about putting a t8 on each corner but I'm having a hard time finding a fixture small enough to not crowd the corners but still but big enough for the T8's. Any ideas?