I have been researching purple stems, as mine are showing a little purple on the top half of a few of the upper leaves. The leaves are nice and green and everything else looks very healthy. Im not TOO TOO worried about it because I see no other problems. But for more specifics...the purple stems are on both Blackberry and Pineapple Chunk. I'm doing a dwc if that matters. I understand that some indicas have traits that commonly result in purple stems. Also I know of the possibilities of a phosphorus or magnesium deficiency, andddd it could also be a ph imbalance. We have fiddled with the nutes many times and the stems dont really change. we're doin a 3-1.5-1 ratio of grow/micro/bloom from AN. the only thing i can really say is our ph does fluctuate anywhere from 6-6.3....but i usually keep it between 5.9-6.1 on a daily basis. we change out our water every 3 or 4 days because of how small the container is that we're using.
i found these pictures to help show you what i mean. on the first pic...you can see on the right that stem has purple on it but only on the top half...thats why u can barely see it right there. on the second picture it shows what the purple color looks like on top. the best example from either pic is on the second one at the top of the pic in between the fingers...thats exactly what im dealin with. is this a problem or is this nothing to worry about? PLEASE PLEASE HELP IF ABLE. THANKS ALL!
i found these pictures to help show you what i mean. on the first pic...you can see on the right that stem has purple on it but only on the top half...thats why u can barely see it right there. on the second picture it shows what the purple color looks like on top. the best example from either pic is on the second one at the top of the pic in between the fingers...thats exactly what im dealin with. is this a problem or is this nothing to worry about? PLEASE PLEASE HELP IF ABLE. THANKS ALL!