Need help with soil recipe mixing bulk soil


Well-Known Member
Hi Rollitup! I'm looking to mix up about 10 yards of soil. I was looking at the Coots Mix and was pretty deadset on it. But it seems to be a hit/miss after doing a little research on it and I'd hate to mix something up and it be subpar. This mix calls for 1:1:1 of Peat:Compost:Aeration as far as amendments its Neem Meal, Crab Meal, Kelp Meal at a 1/2 cup per cubic feet alongside with 4 cups of minerals per cubic feet. From doing some research quite a few people recommend doing more of a 2:2:1 or 3:1:1 base mix to avoid the possibilities of low quality compost. I'd be ordering locally at a nursery for their pumice, compost(they have manure based and a wood-by-product compost harvested at a 50 year old mill site), and peat moss. Any advice?

Running it in 25 gallon smart pot no till watered by blumats.
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honestly with that amount of soil to mix up, I'd probably ensure the compost was of high quality by looking at its complete test analysis, including things like CEC. If the local supplier cannot provide you with that, then I'd just pay to get it tested myself. This doesn't sound like a typical closet project after all.
honestly with that amount of soil to mix up, I'd probably ensure the compost was of high quality by looking at its complete test analysis, including things like CEC. If the local supplier cannot provide you with that, then I'd just pay to get it tested myself. This doesn't sound like a typical closet project after all.
Great idea! Any recommendations on to where?
Great idea! Any recommendations on to where?

If you live in the province of Ontario, just ensure you select a test service that's accredited by the government of our province. Here's a list. Each offers basic services, but I'd spend the $40 to $60 and get an advanced analysis that includes most micronutrients, total mineralizable nitrogen (SLAN), and CEC analysis (along with everything else contained in the basic test).

If you live in another province (or country) then you should be able to find a similar registry where you live for your state or wherever. Soil analysis is quite regulated in most countries in order to protect farmers from doing something catastrophic based on bogus test result parameters due to a sloppy lab.
I’m looking into a mix that’s pretty much coots, but leaning towards buildasoils modern mix 2.0

where did you read that coots is hit or miss? To my understanding from reading other threads/posts, the amendments in the mix are solid and if you get good compost (Oly mountain fish compost is what I’m going to use,) you should be set. Thoughts?