Need help with the set up...


Active Member
Well yerp this is my first post and I have really been just buying the stuff and giving the seeds away untill my mom saved some grape seeds and they dried out and now i have a cover to grow well untill she finds out...

Heres the set up rember its in my closet which is about 2feet by 2 feet for growing room im planning on about 1-2 plants.

Right now I have a 60 wat home depot growing bulb. And the seeds havent sprouted I am trying the hydrophonic system to start so they are in a bag with damp/wet paper towels around them. I messed up and left the light on in my closet. Will that mess this start up and have to get new seeds?
But once they mature I have 2 1 gallon planting buckets to put them in.

I have read a little about harvesting but im not reading much into becuase i dont have great hopes for this exploration or atleast untill I move out.

But any suggestions would be great I want to get this kinda going green is expensive were i live and wanted to try some home grown out.... Isnt it all home grown if you think about it?



Well-Known Member
Don't grow weed in your parents home, that's a bad idea. Wait until you get you own place. Grow vegetables for now and stay in school. :mrgreen: