Need help with venting unique grow closet


Active Member
I am planning a small personal grow. 1-3 plants maybe. The setup I have is below:

5 FEET 6 INCHES BY 3 FEET is the closet dimensions

This closet features a drop ceiling, which means I can vent air directly from the window, through the openings in the ceiling, and into the closet. The openings in the ceiling leading to the closet are:


I need help on how I should seal this room off, create a ventilation system, and have a successful grow room. Thanks in advance for the help.


Active Member

I would also like to add this information, as the room has a unique layout...

Highlighted in the Red is the window frame. The window opens up in a diagonal fashion, which allows the top of the window to give the ceiling access to fresh air. the bottom half of the window that is in the bedroom portion of the room, can be sealed off so that only air from the window goes in the ceiling, not the bedroom and ceiling...

Highlighted in the Orange is the area of space within the drop down ceiling. There is a roof naturally, but above it is 9 inches of airspace to allow free flow of air in and out of the closet, while remaining out of sight.

The area with the Green arrow is the closet. It is there to merely show you that the closet can be sealed off from the rest of the bedroom, except it is allowed to gain air access via the window near it, through the ceiling.

Can anyone help me work out a ventilation system and tell me some ideal hardware to start this grow? I'm just using regular seeds that I have collected, nothing fancy, but its not Bobby Browns neither.

I'd appriciate any feedback. Thanks again in advance...


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
Some actual pictures would work wonders here I think...but it should make it easy for you to run duct around to get lots of nice fresh air and get all of the heat exhausted from the lamp.


Well-Known Member
I'll try to help out here. Trail and error until you have trial and success is not a bad thing. Try something, like Abe, kinda on your own. You know there are three systems you are concerned with, two of which need to be vented to the outside preferably above most folks heads. you will be getting enough panda plastic so you can direct the air where you want it. No one is going to come to your house and tell you you did it wrong, do something. We have all had changes in plans. Execute. VV