Need help with why plant died and PM please !


Well-Known Member
Hello all hope your well ! I appreciate the time your taking to look at this. So first I’m wondering how and why this plant may have died ? It was fine 6 days ago and I checked it today and looks Like this

I am also find some PM spots on leaves of my other plants that are doing well. They are flowering and I’m not sure what to use to get rid of the poser life’s spots on Some of the leaves ? So if I could get info on how this plant may have died and how to get rid of PM outdoors I will be grateful. I have been feeding foxfarm bloom at recommend dose on bottle .the plants are in the ground also. Thank you for the help.
Hello all hope your well ! I appreciate the time your taking to look at this. So first I’m wondering how and why this plant may have died ? It was fine 6 days ago and I checked it today and looks Like this
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I am also find some PM spots on leaves of my other plants that are doing well. They are flowering and I’m not sure what to use to get rid of the poser life’s spots on Some of the leaves ? So if I could get info on how this plant may have died and how to get rid of PM outdoors I will be grateful. I have been feeding foxfarm bloom at recommend dose on bottle .the plants are in the ground also. Thank you for the help.
Not enough info to really tell why that died.
are all your plants in the soil or in parts, how long did you go between waterings, have you noticed any caterpillars or pests there is a passcode of border they can get into your stem but I’ve never seen it kill a whole plan is there any chewing at the base of any of the plants I’ve seen rats do it’s called girdle a plant. Where they chew off all the cambium and the plant cannot get water.
Not enough info to really tell why that died.
are all your plants in the soil or in parts, how long did you go between waterings, have you noticed any caterpillars or pests there is a passcode of border they can get into your stem but I’ve never seen it kill a whole plan is there any chewing at the base of any of the plants I’ve seen rats do it’s called girdle a plant. Where they chew off all the cambium and the plant cannot get water.
So all the plants are in the same area in the ground. There are three rows each plant is about 4 feet apart rather close actually. I have not noticed any pests I feel like that’s something I would definitely notice as well. There was a rather big branch break at the base tho. I did try to wrap it maybe some disease got into the wound ? I will dig it out tomorrow and get a closer look.
Unless you have severe PM I can’t see PM doing THAT. I was going to say a possible fungus in the root system since I had one do that about 4 years ago, mine was in a pot and only happened to 1 plant.
seems like if you have others in the ground 4; feet away that they’d be affected too.
As far as PM treatment now? I strayed a 30/70 milk to water mix about 10 days ago and other than seeing some milk residue it’s gone. 3% or less of H2O2 is said to be a safe choice. But it wasn’t as effective as the milk for me.