need help witrh fert ratio


What ratio would be best I'm 3 weeks into veg and my plants need fert bad I'm at the store now what ratio would be best ?? 30-10-10 , 8-7-6, 24-8-16 or 12-4-8 ?? Please help

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
The 8-7-6 sounds like a winner to me.

24-8-16 and 12-4-8 are the same ratio: 3-1-2. Just at a higher concentration.

The 3-1-1 isn't as good as the 3-1-2 but I think the more balanced 8-7-6 would be a better bet in the long run.

Sorry this is 2 hours too late.


Well-Known Member
for vegging, the first number, nitrogen is the most important. It should be the largest.