Need help.


New Member
Been struggling with what appears to be some sort of deficiency for a while. Has anyone seen this before?3BC8BF5A-3BEF-45EA-96EF-63461152183D.jpeg


New Member
Been feeding it the aerogarden plant food because people on YouTube had used it no problem. When it first started I thought it was a cal mag deficiency so I started adding that too and didn’t seem to stop it just made it grow faster. I’ve been keeping the PH around 5.8 as recommended for hydro apparently. My temps are room temp and my water is a littler colder.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
sorry, im stumped, i grow in dirt from the garden, home made compost and mole hill soil , plus dry amendents. i dont get problems like this. hpe someone can help you get to the bottom of it. happy growing


Well-Known Member
Why are you growing a whole plant in an aero cloner? It’s literally just for rooting clones, it looks like calcium deficiency to me though. put it in a 5gallon dwc bucket with your nutrient solution(calmag goes in first) at the correct ec and ph then hope for the best.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what "aerogarden plant food" is, much less their ratios, going to need more info. what do your roots look like? Does she have a fan on her? Kinda looks fungal.

First remove dead/ dying leaves, they're just disease vectors at this point.

Apply Garden Safe Fungicide 3 foliarly, be sure to get the underside of leaves and nodes really well.

How does the aerogarden keep rez temps down? If there is a pump it's warmer than you think.


Well-Known Member
Assuming you don’t have a dwc bucket.

5 gallon bucket+ lid
aquarium air pump+ stone
Cut a whole the size of your netpot in the lid
Put the plant in the lid fill bucket to a few inches from the bottom of the netpot run the hose from the air pump through the top of the lid and hook an air stone to the end of the hose in the water.
Like $20-$30 in materials.


Well-Known Member
If you have a hydro store anywhere near you, the make net pot lids for 5 gallon buckets. No you don't need a rock wool cube or hydroton, I've grown DWC using coco without issue.


New Member
I’m aware the pump would likely heat the water, when I feel the water temp it feels colder than the room temp


New Member
I’m not familiar with what you mean by an “aero cloner”. I’m using an aerogarden because it’s the most practical for me and seems to be very possible from online forums and grows. I have seen people grow whole plants in this no problem


Well-Known Member
An aerogarden is an aero- cloner, just small scale, and typically meant for low foliage herbs. I'm not saying it can't be done, there just may be an easier way.

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Think I may have found at least AN issue, maybe not the issue but a factor no less. Severe micronutrient deficiency. Your aerogarden nutes are only macro nutrients (per their label), you're missing, sulfur, manganese, iron, boron...a whole bunch of stuff.
My brother grew a cbd plant in a aero garden. The biggest thing I think is that the res never gets swapped out. Your probably needing micro like said above, but you also probably have root rot and plenty of bad bacteria and no good bacteria. I would invest in hydroguard for this set up

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Cut back your feed strength to ¾ for your next feed. The whole problem might be more is not better with you being a novice at growing pot

How are you testing ph? Could also all be ph and a badly calibrated or cheap tester

Odds are the more I think about it your using to much nutrients, the more the plant looks like shit the more you up feed strength. Like I said I watched someone grow in one of those and the aero nutrients don't need ph adjusted. So I'm betting your ph pen is off and your ec is way to high
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Well-Known Member
The internet sure is a silly fucking place. The fact that you can find people growing in these things and telling others it is a good idea is beyond me.

Not dissing here. Just saying the internet has so much bad info it is silly at this point.

But yeah...going to need some big changes to get that plant turned around.

Get better plant food to start. You can start plants in that thing but I would not expect more than a gram or 2 from that system.


Well-Known Member
If you want easy...go coco and use RO water. Shit is easy peasy. Does not take a lot of space.

I have a coco plant in about a 1 liter pot. Just needs to be watered twice a day.

I would use a bigger pot than 1 liter tho. This is an experiment.