Need help


Hi I need some help I'm a new grower I started off using pure of coco from General hydroponics Coco tech .I started my Seed and a solo cup germinating in paper towel paper my problem is I think I over planted by putting it in a 3 gallon pot too early here a few pictures doesn't seem to be growing as fast as I would like and they seem to be turning a little yellowish here are a few pictures if anybody can help I would appreciate it thanks,trying to upload photos but having issues anybody have any idea


Well-Known Member
Hi I need some help I'm a new grower I started off using pure of coco from General hydroponics Coco tech .I started my Seed and a solo cup germinating in paper towel paper my problem is I think I over planted by putting it in a 3 gallon pot too early here a few pictures doesn't seem to be growing as fast as I would like and they seem to be turning a little yellowish here are a few pictures if anybody can help I would appreciate it thanks,trying to upload photos but having issues anybody have any idea
cant see the photos man would help if I could see them, as for the arsewipes above cunts is all I can say @Uncle Buck, @Uncle Ben
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Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
@ zeddd by any chance do you know how to upload the photos it won't allow me
To the right of the "post reply" button is an "upload a file" button, hit that and then a black box will pop up that says "choose file"
Click "choose file" and find the pic you want. If for some reason nothing happens when you click "choose file" just close the black box and hit upload file again(sometimes it's lame and you gotta do that a couple of times)

After you choose your pic give it a minute or so and you'll end up with this
Hit "full image" because everybody hates clicking on thumbnails.

Done, now you owe me $10