Need helpful tips on my grow. This is my first rodeo.

BUd Kief

Alright, I am a little over one month into my veg stage for 4 plants in a 3x9x2 closet, I believe (LxHxW). I will post a picture to show my set up. Now, I understand I do not have the best lighting for my plants, nor are they hung up all BA like everyone else has. I have used 5 CFLs from seedling until now, but I have been thinking about adding an HPS bulb, as I read somewhere that they produce great buds. They are the swirl bulbs that screw into the light fixtures and lamps.

I made the mistake of a beginner grower to put three seeds in one 3 gal pot. I transplanted seedlings before I had adequate space for them (durka durka) so I squeezed them in together and look good. I have heard about roots battling for water but it seems like these girls learned how to share from their papa!

Anyway! Should I leave these 3 plants together, and if not, what would be the best, and least stressful way to separate these plants? I have used LST on all four plants and only topped one. The topped plant was buried WAY too deep, but I am un sure ass to the best way to add more dirt and get the plant up higher. I am using Miracle Grow potting soil, but I am not too thrilled at the mix. I have read in threads to use a combination of composites but my project was running on a budget, and we do not have any hydroponic stores where I am. My light cycle is 12/12 as I have read in threads you can grow 12/12 all the way through and the plant will not bud until it is mature. I am guessing this goes for the sex of the plant? I was trying to induce flowering for my plant to show sex, as I don't want any males spraying my females and producing hermies.

I am sure I am leaving a lot of helpful information for you guys to determine what I can do, but if I left out important info, just ask and I will answer those questions so you can help answer mine.

Cheers, Beers, Leers!



Well-Known Member
It's a toss up.
I would like to separate them, but you don't have a lot of room (3x2' footprint?). Plus not a lot of light

You could leave it as is, and they will fight for light & soil.
You could try to cut one plant out?
There is a good RIU thread on transplanting. For you, I think it would be let the soil dry out, get a razor & cut through the root ball, repot. I would kinda like to cut all three apart, but I don't think I would grow 4 in the closet for rodeo #1.

BUd Kief

Thanks, @mrwood. I have read mixed feelings on taking sharp objects to the root ball. Although, I might just axe down two and only grow two medium plants. I will be going to a hardware store later today to try and improve my light source. I would like a ballast reflector (If i am correct on the terminology) and higher watt lights. The room is painted flat white which is nice for reflection, but I have also pasted down weather tape in the room to help reflect light a bit more.

@Drigs I am simply trying to supply light to smaller nodes, and not sure if it is doing much. I like to think so as the main stalk is getting bushy around nodes. I will post a picture later this evening.