Need indoor growing plant ideas


New Member
I just ordered a 1000 watt HPS system. I can't grow pot because I'm living at my parents house for a while so I'm wonder what else could I grow DWC?

My ideas so far:

Any other goodies I should try?


New Member
I am growing tomatoes with CFLs, but I want a bigger grow area and I want to grow a variety of different things. Plus I'm thinking about veging them all through winter and then transporting them outside for all of summer

Plus I might sneak in a marijuana plant

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Like the other person said its a waist or power. if you grow in 2 inch pots you could grow around 6 to 7 herb plants under a single 26w CFL. You could use a 13w LED panel to grow with.


Active Member
You really need to have a system that once you harvest another is but a few days away to make veggies work. I've got a 400 watt setup and am trying to get to that point. My 400 watt system will have 3 or 4 different 10 gallon totes that will cycle through each stage and keep food fairly constant if it goes as planned.


Active Member
Just move out of your parents' home and grow weed. You can buy vegetables at the supermarket.


Active Member
grow some calea zacatechichi
then you can make some dream tea out of the leaves (research it)

hell why not try grow some salvia
at least then you get something out of the plants other than something good to mix with pasta


New Member
I ordered:
Campbell 33 (like the soup)
yellow habanero peppers
Thai basil

Got 1 afghani and 1 vancouver seed bank outdoor mix seed in a cup with water

I got the 1000 watt because I'm moving out very soon and will be growing at least 12 plants under it

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
I ordered:
Campbell 33 (like the soup)
yellow habanero peppers
Thai basil

Got 1 afghani and 1 vancouver seed bank outdoor mix seed in a cup with water

I got the 1000 watt because I'm moving out very soon and will be growing at least 12 plants under it
Sounds good but why didn't you get 2 400w HPS lights?


New Member
I dunno 1000 watt seemed more "professional". I'll be moving into an apartment, probably a studio so I don't want to sacrifice room for 2 lights


Well-Known Member
I am growing tomatoes with CFLs, but I want a bigger grow area and I want to grow a variety of different things. Plus I'm thinking about veging them all through winter and then transporting them outside for all of summer

Plus I might sneak in a marijuana plant
HPS spectrum is better for flowering, not vegetation. Is the ballast digital to be able to put a m/h bulb?


New Member
I dunno if its digital, it's a big heavy ballast. Way heavier than the lumatek I used before. It is HPS and MH switchable, it looks like so:

I don't have a MH bulb yet but if I can get 1 female and sell a quarter or so I can pick one up


grow cucumbers! they grow super fast and 1 plant will produce alot! im thinking about starting a huge spinach rack and have a rotation so i can harvest every week.


one thing that i am SUPER curious about but i havnt tried yet.. just like growing marijuana, if you put a pepper plant on 24 hour fluorescent(blue spectrum) lighting.. if that will prevent the pepper plant from starting to flower. if this is true this would be INCREDIBLE. that means you could veg a pepper plant and make it beastly before it flowers. this would be amazing specially for plants like bell peppers! someone needs to try this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
one thing that i am SUPER curious about but i havnt tried yet.. just like growing marijuana, if you put a pepper plant on 24 hour fluorescent(blue spectrum) lighting.. if that will prevent the pepper plant from starting to flower. if this is true this would be INCREDIBLE. that means you could veg a pepper plant and make it beastly before it flowers. this would be amazing specially for plants like bell peppers! someone needs to try this!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll be happy to try this out if I can germinate some pepper seeds that I have.


You will need to find a sunny location, or you can use indoor grow lights to make up for any lack of sunlight.With only a small area, you can grow a reasonable amount of vegetables, fruit, and herbs in containers.
Carrots, radishes, peas, red cabbage, lettuce, strawberries, and chives are just a sampling of the crops that can be planted using a little ingenuity.Almost any vegetable can be grown successfully in indoor container gardening.
Water Pump


Active Member
one thing that i am SUPER curious about but i havnt tried yet.. just like growing marijuana, if you put a pepper plant on 24 hour fluorescent(blue spectrum) lighting.. if that will prevent the pepper plant from starting to flower. if this is true this would be INCREDIBLE. that means you could veg a pepper plant and make it beastly before it flowers. this would be amazing specially for plants like bell peppers! someone needs to try this!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bring a few different pepper plants in every winter a few are a couple years old now. THey are kept under 24hr flouros. For me they usually flower around jan, feb. But you won't get peppers unless you take a que tip and pollinate from one flower to the other. If you don't want peppers and just want to grow a tree out don't pollinate and the flowers will eventualy just die off and no peppers will be produced. But I love my chili's and peppers so I keep em going! :)

I personally keep in my tent two kiwi plants (male and femal) a clementine orange tree, a few different herbs and just recently started a guavo tree.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
I bring a few different pepper plants in every winter a few are a couple years old now. THey are kept under 24hr flouros. For me they usually flower around jan, feb. But you won't get peppers unless you take a que tip and pollinate from one flower to the other. If you don't want peppers and just want to grow a tree out don't pollinate and the flowers will eventualy just die off and no peppers will be produced. But I love my chili's and peppers so I keep em going! :)

I personally keep in my tent two kiwi plants (male and femal) a clementine orange tree, a few different herbs and just recently started a guavo tree.
So you can grow pepper plants from seed under 24/0 light and they will produce peppers as long as you pollinate them?


New Member
Grow plant according to season. Take easy care and make beautiful indoor plant. Bring a touch of southwest. Make temperature according to the plant or keep plant in its suitable temperature. Keep plant in the morning sun light and take out at the noon sun light. Watering the plants at the morning. It is the best time for watering. Before watering sure about that how much water need to that plant.