Need Information Fungus Gnats Please.

The Weedster

Active Member
Ok Guys.... Ive got a new spray.... GardenSafe Fungicide 3 in 1 solution..... It says it has Neem Oil as the main ingrediant.... Now, If I spray it on my soil and turn my soil and spray again, Should I see a big difference in eliminating my fungus gnats all together??? Because I know that neem oil is supposed to take care of most insects including larvae... .Would it be good for my roots though ???
Ya man, I'm not sure about that specific product but when neem is used as a soil drench it provides long lasting protection from bugs. But, it will take time to work because it is not really a fungicide or insecticide, but mostly a preventative... When I use neem it takes a few days for the eggs and everything else to stop showing up, but results will last for weeks if done properly.
i am not familiar with this product...but neem is good stuff..shultz is not sure...but to properly eliminate the gnats you need to dry things up and either add sand to the top couple inches of your top soil or stop watering so much and add some fans ...wet soil for long periods of time = gnats
Well, Just trying to find a way just as an experiment to get rid of the gnats the easiest way possible without having to do it the hard way....
Just needed some input to see if anyone knew about that spray.... Thanx for the info about the sand and all but Im just trying to do it the easiest way and then tell everyone what to do to get rid of them pesky shitters the easy way if that is at all possible.... LOL :)