Need input on a perpetual closet grow method please


Greetings fellow ents!

I am new here. Long time smoker, 1st time grower, and I have many questions.

My goal is to some day have a perpetual grow (continous harvest). I am looking to harvest as much quality bud I can push out of (2) seperate 4'x2'x'8' closets, as frequently as possible.

After researching all day, I decided to start my own thread, as I have gained a headache from the mass amount of information out there. I know this is lazy, but hopefully someone can either provide me with some great knowledge, or link me to as where I can find the info I am looking for.

I have (2) seperate 4'x2'x8' closets, with sliding doors. I also have a 600 watt HPS light. I am planning on purchasing equipment as I need it.

My first question I need help with is choosing a method to grow. I want to pump out as much quality bud I can possibly push out, so I imagine a perpetual grow would be the best method. So that leaves a few choices:

I could do SOG (Sea Of Green), using one closet as a veg. room, and the other closet as a flower room.

I could do Scrog, which involves using a screen, however, this method seems intimidating to a new grower.

I could order auto flowering seeds, which auto flower on there own, allowing veg. and flowering plants to be in the same room. That way I could eliminate the need to have a veg. room and a flower room, and could just have 2 flowering rooms. Or I could just use 1 room, reducing the risk, hassle, ect.

What is everyones opinion on the Low Rider strain? I read about it here: I like this strain, however, the yields seem somewhat small. But maybe the speedy harvests make up for it?

Im sure there are other methods, which is why I come to you, fellow ents! Maybe a perpetual grow is not the way to go? Please help me make the most of my closets. Im leaning toward SOG, but I am no where close to satisfied with that decision.

Thanks for any advice, tips, input! Let the good times roll!


Active Member
For what your wanting to do isnt is hard as it sounds. You can do it a number of ways soil/hydro? What would you rather run. Does cost effect the setup? You really need to pick a strain you really want to run or a few to start. You have to learn those strains flower time, nute uptake, in's and outs of the strain. If I were you I would run a Flood and drain setup. Running perpetual theres really no reason for a big veg room. I would focus on finding one or two strains you like keep mothers clone them and start stalking your flower room with plants every two weeks until its full but making sure that when you harvest one a new one goes in. Its all in the timing. There is a really good thread here I'll try and find it and post the link.


For what your wanting to do isnt is hard as it sounds. You can do it a number of ways soil/hydro? What would you rather run. Does cost effect the setup? You really need to pick a strain you really want to run or a few to start. You have to learn those strains flower time, nute uptake, in's and outs of the strain. If I were you I would run a Flood and drain setup. Running perpetual theres really no reason for a big veg room. I would focus on finding one or two strains you like keep mothers clone them and start stalking your flower room with plants every two weeks until its full but making sure that when you harvest one a new one goes in. Its all in the timing. There is a really good thread here I'll try and find it and post the link.
I'd rather do soil, as that is what my partner is used to using. I'd appreciate a link to the thread if you find it. Thanks for the input by the way!


Well-Known Member
if your not tripping on plant a sog...

srogs are cool but take a lot of vegging time...

imo auto-flower seeds are not worth it...lower thc and tiny yields[h=3][/h]


I am in the same situation. I am setting up in a closet the same dimensions as yours.

Stop all your research now and figure out how you are going to vent your spaces. I am running a 4' 4 lamp T5 fixture hoping it would keep heat at a minimum. The inside is lined with mylar. My temps with doors closed are above 88*F. Your 600w HPS would nuke a space that size without proper ventilation

I am now figuring out a solution. Right now I'm thinking I need to drill two 6" or 8" holes in one of my sliding doors positioned at the top and bottom. Then I will be needing light proof vents. As well as intake and exhaust fans, probably squirrel cages maybe a vortex if I can afford it. I plan on exhausting back into the room. Not to mention the need for a circulating fan inside to move the air and simulate outdoor conditions to "sway the stalks" making them nice and strong.

Good Luck fellow ENT,


Well-Known Member
scrog is the way to go dude. split your screens into 2, 2x4 foot sections. still open of course. in one closet split it vertically. use the top split and make it your veggie chamber. use flouros or cfls to keep the heat @ minimum. now as u take clones in each screen space them out 2 weeks between starts. this gives u two flowering plants each to be harvested evry 2 weeks. make sure ur strains are done in 8 weeks. u will never run out. i did this and can draw u a schematic. pm me if u need this. p.s. --unless u use flouro tubes ur going to have a problem with heat. if the attic is above u, use a duct fan (home depot 30.00 for 500cfm) and vent out and use a passive intake for clean air. i have always done dwc and so i figure it should work for soil. now this is 8 sq ft. with 2 plants per screen once u get good u can pull a min. 1/2 elbow. get to my stage and u should get almost a full elbow. although to get that amount u would need a 600w hps and a 6 foot light mover. im sure using 42w cfls u can pull 1.5 zips per plant optimally.Good luck