Need Knowledgable Advice


Well-Known Member
Thanks in advance to anyone that helps,
i recently put a few plants outdoors at the beginning of this month(May)
i had them inside vegging for a week or two before, so theyve been outside for a few weeks and are now starting to flower outside
what can i do to help make them go back to veg? is there anything i can do? once again thanks again for any help this outdoor grow is very important for me


Well-Known Member
what was your light schedule for the inside veg?? If you leave them outside theyll probly go back to vegging since the days are only gonna get longer for the next month (if your in the nothern hemi). but in the meantime take the advantage of killin the males now!!! wahaha


Well-Known Member
no there not auto flowerin
they are og kusk, jack the ripper, head band, purple kush, green crack, hindu kush x skunk, all clones
i had them on 17/7 while vegging for about 2 weeks inside then put them outside
and im in southern cali

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
You guys are getting close to 15 hours of daylight right now in So Cal, right? Are you positive they've all gone into flower? At any rate, I agree, they'll probably go back to veg. You should be good.


Well-Known Member
only about 6 of them have gone into flower
and ya i figured theyd go back to veg
i just didnt wanna waste too much time
i want some big trees
and ya were gettin around 14 or 15


Well-Known Member
quick update
some plants look like they are growing in size and not progressing in flower
some look as if they are continueing to flower and not growing much in size


Well-Known Member
alot of time clones will flower early, but right now down here they should regen as long as they gettin full sun all day.

maybe bump them with sum (n) might help too


Well-Known Member
feed low doses of nitrogen everyday, they can accumulate nitrogen and it should stop flowering. esp with a lil over 14 hours.


Well-Known Member
Hey, can you get some pics up, man? I don't think I can give any advice that hasn't been given, but I'd like to check out your JTR and PK.


Well-Known Member
well, you /can/ put the ones that are stubborn back under 24 hour light. that'll force them back into veg.