Need Legal Help!


New Member
Okay so i basicly just got put on probation (not for drugs). I know that my officer and search me anytime. What do you guys think i should do? My tent is in my room and i am at the end of flowering. I also have a plant vegging that i have huge hopes for. If i hide them when he comes can he search my entire room/house?

Canna Connoiseur

Active Member
I have had probation come to my house and literally searched everything. It was at exactly the one month mark from the time I was put on.

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
I definately would not fuck around, Jail sucks ass and that's where you'll be if they find it. How close to harvest are you?


Well-Known Member
This can be extremely dangerous,but you can do a midnight move to your friends house.
bring your tent,equipment,and plants and finish them somewhere else.

but your friend might tell everyone they know about it and get caught,your risk.

or cut them down,it's not illegal to own growing equipment alone


New Member
I was planning to harvest in excaly 1 month. And my charge isnt nothing serious so do you guys think i should get some veggies to cover for the equipment? Also my mom owns the house so do you think they will search my entire house? I will planning to hide in bathroom shower or coat closet when he came


Well-Known Member
I was on probation 18 months and the officer
never once showed up to my house but to answer
your question, by law the officer could only search
your room if you are not the home owner.
Even though your mom is the home owner the officer
could search only your room. Not sure about how this
works in the State you live in though.


I am not sure it is legal help you need if you think it is a good idea to keep a illegal garden while on probation


Well-Known Member
You're rolling the dice. How lucky are you? Get them out of the house.
This is the truth, why would you even consider risking this? Give the plants to a friend to finnish if you can't bring yourself to chop them now. They may or may not actually come, and they may or may not actually search the entire house. BUT.. if they do, even if you hide the plants but they find your growing equipment, you can bet they will push to search the entire house because they will be suspicious.

I would remove anything from the house that would make them want to look more.

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Put that shit in a homeboys house. If you can't and want to risk it. What I would do is get boxes they can fit them in. Depends how fast you can stow them away. If the PO ask why you took awhile to answer the door say you where taking a shit. :roll: be calm and collected. Put them in a closet in your moms room if you have to or a different one not yours. Get some veggies or herbs to make it appear like your growing food. Or keep them in a bathroom. Have a friend over too Pretend he is showering In the bathroom til the PO leaves. Be creative. But in the end is it worth catching a charge??
Its not worth it man. Take it to a friends house or something Your better safe than sorry. I have a good friend that was on a 3 yr prob and the only time is PO came is at around one month in and it was at like 5:30 in the morning when he was getting up for work. I do like the idea about having a friend act like he's showering lol only problem is generally you never know when they're coming. Whatever you choose to do though man good luck:peace:


Well-Known Member
dude seriously... you can grow anytime unlesss in jail lol. stop and think brother. go cut down your girls. harvest what you can. cut a clone and give it to a frien you trust. then when your in the clear get your cloned mother and make as many of the same genetics as you want, safely. Don't put your moms through that stress. onelove youngbuzz101


Well-Known Member
as long as some one else lives there with you , and you can say its not yours unless your probation is from a felony, then get it the fuck out. and if the probation says. you cant be near those items. get rid of it .


Well-Known Member
For real dude, don't fuck around this is SERIOUS shit that WILL affect the rest of your life and cost you $$$$$$$. Is it worth having to say your felon on every job application you fill out from here on? Fuck no. Don't be stupid, SERIOUS SHIT.


Well-Known Member
Alright listen up lol take this from the kid who "poisoned an ohio police chief with highly concentrated pot cake" What the fuck did you do lol? if it doesn't involve drugs you should honestly be good probo officers dont go bothering pointless ppl that is you dont live in a small town with not to many ppl for him to be a dick too.