need light schedule advice!

I am currently growing 6 Northern Lights, and 6 of a mystery strain! Im about 6 weeks into vegetation with my lights turning on at 6 a.m. and shutting off at 12 a.m. I just battled through I mite problem,but I finally got it under control using neem and organocide I also have just let 300 ladybugs loose in my room.The ladybugs seemed to work the last time I had this problem a few years ago. my babies are finally thriving again and the only issue I'm currently dealing with is my room seems to stay in the 80 to 90 degree range mostly 82-84 but at the hottest points of the day it reaches almost 90 degrees and sometimes a little above. like I said my lights go on at 6 a.m. and shut off at 12 a.m. I am going to transition my room to12/12 and I will be leaving the lights off for a 24 hour period before switching to kickstart flowering!My question is I would like to Change my lights on time from 6 p.m. at night and my off time to 6 a.m. for flowering so that my lights are running during the cooler hours of the night instead of the hottest hours of the day! Is it ok if after my 24 hour dark period, if I just turn the lights on at 6 p.m. and permanently leave the schedule 6 p.m. till 6 a.m.I have no future intentions of changing it again after that is this going to cause me problems?

kali kid greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Yea your fine it actually takes a full 2 weeks of long nights for the plant to actually kick into bloom mode it doesn't happen as soon as you put the lights on 12/12 thats why there is a stretch phase. Yea most growers I know that live in hot area's the light schedule is on from 6pm then off at 6am to avoid mixing the lamp's heat with the ambient room temp,if for some reason those hours don't work then the only option really is get an AC unit and that will solve the high temp problem.Happy growing!!!
I have a 5 foot by 5 foot by 8 foot tall tent set up I don't have a window inside of it there is it AC in the wall in the room that the tent is in,it's pretty sealed up though. I have 140 CFM fan sucking air in from the room with the a-c but I have a 440 cfm connected to the charcoal air filter exhausting outside, not to mention a 240cfm connected to my air cooled hood, the 240 cfm sucks air in from the AC'd room blowing across the light and exhausting to outside, the 440 is sucking air from the ceiling inside the tent also exhausting to outside I have a 3 inch by 18 inch screened vent open on one side at the bottom of the tent and also the 120 CFM sucking air in from the AC'd room into the tent for fresh air.I have a 600 watt metal halide bulb in an air-cooled hood for vegetative and I leave the metal halide in for the first two weeks of flower then I switch to a 600 watt HPS I also have 2 fans positioned in each corner blowing across the plants upwards to strengthen the stems and circulate air.I just got rid of a mite infestation with organocide and neem oil,three treatments, 5 days apart followed by a rubbing alcohol wash and rinse,I disinfected the whole room and normally I would leave the room open during lights on to keep the temp down but I just let 300 ladybugs loose so I have all places they can escape sealed up except for all the intake and exhaust I just mentioned and each of those is covered with screen netting!My babies just finished recuperating from the damage done by the spider mites and also some leaf burning due to the Organic pesticides.finally the girls we're starting to look healthy and I couldn't wait any longer to transition because if I did I would run out of space (height-wise) so I am hoping that they have recuperated enough that everything goes well and I don't end up with HermesI would have liked to give them more recuperating time but I am limited to the amount of space and I know that they double in size once switched!