Need major help with my seedling.. it's growing so slowly and looks really weak..


Hello fellow growers..

I started my first grow ever lil over a month ago.

I got my first sprout out of soil on the 1st of march and it was growing noticebly day by day.

But then suddenly it kinda stopped growing.

I mean it's barely growing compare to what I see on other people's videos on youtube and stuff.

It's been over a month but the result is shit like you can see in pics.

the leaves aren't growing big enough and it will get black marks on it and turn yellowish and stuff.
I have transplanted the seedling 2 weeks after it sprouted to move to bigger pot.

It was a quite smooth process no roots were damaged(at least i think so) so this couldn't be the main reason.

Please look at my pics and if you can tell me what I'm doing so wrong.

I admit where I'm growing is very limited in terms of getting good resources for a nice growing set up (can't get grow tent, temp and humid low and etc)

Oh and I was using 2 45W CFLs and just added a 50W 2 days ago thinking it could be problem with light.

so please help me and I thank you in advance. Ciao!



Well-Known Member
What kind of soil are you using? You want the CFL bulbs right over the plants. Is there good drainage in the pot you are using? If that plant is 1 month from sprout it should be much larger if not ready to flower. Other than being small it looks healthy in the pics but they are blurry so can say for sure, leafs are a little pale they should be a dark green. Are you giving them any nutes? Also what genetics are you growing? Unknown bag seed can have weak genetics and not do so well.


Well-Known Member
She looks hungry and probably ready for 1/4 strength nutes?

CFL's should be less than a foot away at this stage, you can bring them down closer by adding a fan blowing the heat up and away, and it will help to strengthen the seedling's stem also.

Compacted Soil can also slow things down, if its too wet, try to add more perlite to increase O2 for the roots.

Aside from the Timeframe, she looks Healthy and ready to take off!



Your pot looks like a Cereal Bowl. Your growing not eating breakfast. If you were all crammed up you wouldn't want to t grow either. Put it into a pot/ or a cup something that is a little deeper.
Here is pics of my first grow at 1 month old.
week 8 dumb and dumber.png


Well-Known Member
your lights should be 2 inches away. i say this cause the stems are a bit stretchy. the link shows how to fix this.
also take the words of a bigger pot. how often are you watering?
good luck any question feel free.


Well-Known Member
She looks hungry and probably ready for 1/4 strength nutes?

CFL's should be less than a foot away at this stage, you can bring them down closer by adding a fan blowing the heat up and away, and it will help to strengthen the seedling's stem also.

Compacted Soil can also slow things down, if its too wet, try to add more perlite to increase O2 for the roots.

Aside from the Timeframe, she looks Healthy and ready to take off!

You sound half crazy