need master advice problem over night pics included please help if experinced


Well-Known Member
i noticed the problem this morning i check atleast twice a day on my grow. its a coco grow 20/80 perlite/coco. i feed when coco is near dry. i ph at 5.8 i use nutes every feed at 1/4 dose so about two fifths of a ml per 2lt of pro grow nut. and about half ml/LT for cal mag. i do not foiler feed. only time i did was last night and the problem showed up today. the temps run 72 to 76. i am growing CFL and keep them about 4-6 in away from top. plant is about 4 weeks old from root. now the problem... the top leafs and couple lower ones started showing up with grayish black dots and some yellow dots as well. also i noticed the plant isnt drooping but is not pointed up words either here are some pics...



Ursus marijanus
Foliar feeding with ionics is probably what did it ... local burning. I was reading up on foliar a few days ago, and as near as i can figure ... it's safe only with super low concentrations of ionics ... or nonionics like urea. Mist them with water until it drips off, then shake off the excess ... that would be my advice for now. cn


Active Member
cannabineer has it right, your spray burned the foliage. Try a weaker dose next time and spray down the plants at night with plain water, new growth should be fine. If the problem progresses you may be having some soil pH issues
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
It looked like in some of your pics that a few of the leaves are twisting? Especially the leaves in the background fo you 3rd pic. Every time i have had that issue (including right now) my medium's PH was way off. might wanna check the ph of your run off just to see. ??


Ursus marijanus
I thought at first it was cal/mag, but after reading your text and studying your pictures, I came to the conclusion that your nute ratios are good. cn


Well-Known Member
It's not calmag, you can even see the leaves curling from the burn, canabineer is right

IMHO, spraying is more trouble than good. It could lead to mold, fungus, light burn etc... and isn't necessary :S. I only do neem oil a few times to prevent bugs and that's it- Or when it's the only option.