need more help


Ok guys, i moved in to a new place this past febuary and 2 weeks ago i found 2 female indica(looking) plants in the flower garden. I planned to let them grow but my freind noticed them and pulled them up(theres a story to it). He left 30 mins later and i ran to the hardware store (as fast as i could) and got 2 pots, top soil, rootgrow and a water mix fertilizer 24-6-8. The plants where pulled straight up and the tap root is still there with a few small roots. The plants where outa the ground for a few hours and the leaves have dried out but are still lush green. all the tops are bent over but every thing is green and feels fine. i have them in their pots and i put the root grow on them, after that i watered the soil with half a serving of feralizer between the two. I put them in a big box macked it out with aluminum foil, two 24" flourescent (they look blue), and a fan. This setup will do for now. The million dollar question is do they stand a chance? what else can i do to help them? they looked badass before this mishap.