Need more odor filters, running low on amps.


Well-Known Member
I have a large carbon filter fan, but I really need to put something in both rooms. Energy concerns, cord confusion ... I'm considering rolls of odor removal air filters.

To ensure I have enough amps available might be messy, I'm already running cords in the hallway and it looks kind of dumb (I need to sort that out, I should have enough amps; there are extra outlets with their own 20A, but some share rooms). Until I figure out a more permanent solution, I was hoping to buy a couple rolls of carbon/odor removal air filter. I'd cut it into sections and hang it up around the room.

I'll have to shop around, the price below seems rapacious. How often would I need to replace a roll? I plan on being in the house another 2 years. My carbon filter fan is pretty big and was probably $500+ all things considered. The carbon filter fan is a big energy hog, I dare not turn it on high. An affordable carbon filter roll may get me through the two years I need it.


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Never thought about a rvk fan using much power, I am very impressed with the low power used, 8" rvk uses about 100w per hour, this could remove the humidity, odor from a large flower room and its very reliable.
I don't see how hanging sections of that material around the room would do anything for the smell. It's meant to be used as a filter in a stream of air. You're best option would be to get another fan and carbon filter which would cost much less than a couple rolls of that material and would actually filter the air.
I don't see how hanging sections of that material around the room would do anything for the smell. It's meant to be used as a filter in a stream of air. You're best option would be to get another fan and carbon filter which would cost much less than a couple rolls of that material and would actually filter the air.

yeah, seller distinguishes air filter rolls (odor removing v. not odor removing), but it wouldn't necessarily act like carbon filter mats (which I'm assuming are pretty ineffective). The thinking is that large molecules/carbon in the air would cling to the rolls; and if I had enough sections, that would reduce the smell. But I haven't really thought about how the rolls are actually used in HVAC systems, how long they last, or cost-effectiveness v. another filter/fan. The cost does seem like a no-go, I'm just poking around to see what my options are. Brainstorming before purchasing.

In the end, a practical solution would be to buy a carbon filter fan about 1/2 the size as the one I have. It's too big, too loud, sucks up too much energy on high (medium to low aren't so bad).
i kind of just want to stuff my AC exhaust with Downy sheets like a "spoof" in high school. $5 fix ... it won't work.
yeah, seller distinguishes air filter rolls (odor removing v. not odor removing), but it wouldn't necessarily act like carbon filter mats (which I'm assuming are pretty ineffective). The thinking is that large molecules/carbon in the air would cling to the rolls; and if I had enough sections, that would reduce the smell. But I haven't really thought about how the rolls are actually used in HVAC systems, how long they last, or cost-effectiveness v. another filter/fan. The cost does seem like a no-go, I'm just poking around to see what my options are. Brainstorming before purchasing.

In the end, a practical solution would be to buy a carbon filter fan about 1/2 the size as the one I have. It's too big, too loud, sucks up too much energy on high (medium to low aren't so bad).

Have you looked into the ozone odor removers that you put inline with your exhaust ducting?

I've never used one and don't know much about them but there is some information in this thread:

Incense is the low budget solution, that's what we did back in my college days, the old nag champa. You must be growing some good weed if it reeks outside of your house! I don't mind the odor inside, I like to marinate in it.
Thanks, that looks cool. I'll consider it.

The link you shared also shows a product that caught my attention. Below, Ona dispenser + big bucket of Ona odor neutralizing agent. Looking for a 2-year solution, the 5-gallon size might last a long time ... maybe replace it once or put a smaller one in each room, and replace them once or twice. Lower energy cost (I'm guessing), lower total initial cost (again, guessing).

Incense is the low budget solution, that's what we did back in my college days, the old nag champa. You must be growing some good weed if it reeks outside of your house! I don't mind the odor inside, I like to marinate in it.

I like to think so! haha. Agreed, just don't wear wool (in elevators with your boss). I'm sure I don't have the rooms set up properly. I have a portable AC in each room. Each has a vent that exhausts out the window (the AC's not in the window, it has duct hosing). If you stand outside, where the exhaust is, it hits you (but not always). My neighbor and their roommates happen to have an area set up to smoke bowls at the exact spot where the odor lines up on one side. Basically, it blows right on them. Thankfully, it's not the retired police officers three doors down....
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yeah, seller distinguishes air filter rolls (odor removing v. not odor removing), but it wouldn't necessarily act like carbon filter mats (which I'm assuming are pretty ineffective). The thinking is that large molecules/carbon in the air would cling to the rolls; and if I had enough sections, that would reduce the smell. But I haven't really thought about how the rolls are actually used in HVAC systems, how long they last, or cost-effectiveness v. another filter/fan. The cost does seem like a no-go, I'm just poking around to see what my options are. Brainstorming before purchasing.

In the end, a practical solution would be to buy a carbon filter fan about 1/2 the size as the one I have. It's too big, too loud, sucks up too much energy on high (medium to low aren't so bad).,aps,204&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_6_8

plug your fan into one of these and run it at half speed
Ona is just an air freshener. It will likely make your weed smell/taste funny/perfumey if you put it in a grow room. It's basically febreeze absorbed by "water beads".

Ahh, living spaces v. growing spaces. Makes sense. I work too hard at this for that. Ok, looks like I'll be getting a second filter fan.

Incense is the low budget solution, that's what we did back in my college days, the old nag champa. You must be growing some good weed if it reeks outside of your house! I don't mind the odor inside, I like to marinate in it.
Marry me :p
yeah, seller distinguishes air filter rolls (odor removing v. not odor removing), but it wouldn't necessarily act like carbon filter mats (which I'm assuming are pretty ineffective). The thinking is that large molecules/carbon in the air would cling to the rolls; and if I had enough sections, that would reduce the smell. But I haven't really thought about how the rolls are actually used in HVAC systems, how long they last, or cost-effectiveness v. another filter/fan. The cost does seem like a no-go, I'm just poking around to see what my options are. Brainstorming before purchasing.

In the end, a practical solution would be to buy a carbon filter fan about 1/2 the size as the one I have. It's too big, too loud, sucks up too much energy on high (medium to low aren't so bad).
Fan controller running just above idle.