Need opinion please?!


Well-Known Member

  • Ok, so i know you cant really decide how much bud would be on a plant untill it is completely dried and cured. but on an average outdoor mostly sativa plant, and really healthy, what is your opinion on the minimum yield it could have?​



Active Member
size means nothing still could be an oz to 100 pounds depends on how well you taking care of it like giving all the nutes it need and all the sun it can get. are you outside?


Well-Known Member
yes it is out side about 8 hours of light its a gorilla grow. and it has nutes that are 4-4-4 just small amount but it look so healthy all the branches are about1/2 to 1 1/2 feet and its flowering no spots or anything just pure green.


Active Member
Usually when trying to guesstimate I look at where my colas are and for each inch I figure I should get a gram at least... Not very accurate but it does help estimate a little. Once you have a couple harvests you can look at what your previous grams per watt was and that can help you guess as well if you are going under the same conditions. I should add this would be for indoors, not sure about outdoors sorry :(