Need opinions and suggestions in regards to E27 lights


Well-Known Member

I am considering purchasing some of these bulb, about 8, 4 white, and 4 yellow. I am currently using CFL's to veg and flower and the heat has been an issue from day one. I made a ghetto DIY box out of 2 29 gal Sterilite totes, it's pretty cool and useful, but I now have a 3x5x2 tent and I am limited as to what I can plug at the moment, so 3 prong MH/HPS's are simply not an option. I was wondering if these lights, at 1200 lumens each, along with a few supplemental CFL's, would suffice in this tent with around 4-6 1.5 gal pots. I've had a decent round of harvests in the past year but several foxtails and runts and quite frankly, I'm ready to improve and step it up a tad bit. Any info would be much appreciated, and be sure to check out that link, I'm sure there's items there many people can make use of one way or another, a friend of mine has bought many electronics here, mostly tablets and phones, with zero complaints.


Well-Known Member
I'm limited as to what I can plug in. I have a bathroom light fixture that I got from HD with supplemental lighting from extension cords, can't use 3 prong plugs, I figured with a few of these bulbs and some CFL's, I should be in good hands, am I wrong?


Well-Known Member
E27 is just a type of fitting; it all depends on the type of light e.g. MH, CFL, HPS etc and the wattage the color temp


Well-Known Member
I didn't know that's what E27 was, thanks for that info. If it's not too much to ask of someone, click the link and check out the bulbs, I was considering getting 4 warm and 4 cool and using a 3 to one mix of each, in addition to the same amount (or a few more, barring that the temps get out of hand) of CFL's, for veg and flower. I already use 4 Y-splitters in my light fixture with 8 bulbs, and 4 on the bottom, 2 left, 2 right, inside my flower box, but I plan on switching over to this tent (3x2x5) hopefully by the weekend. Please, check the link and see the bulbs if any of you have the time, and thanks for any and all feedback.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
I clicked it, looks like cheap china crap, but worth a try at that price.

really think you have been here long enough to say what has gone to shit ????


Well-Known Member
I've lurked this site for years, became a member, met some REAL cool and knowledgable peeps, and went along with quite a few of them to another site that is much more helpful with WAY less trolling, so yea, I think I've been here long enough to notice the difference in quality of help and general courtesy.


Well-Known Member
maybe you should take your cheap china bulbs back to the "much more helpfull" place and see if they like them
You have made my point with this statement, dipshit. If you're not here to offer an opinion, keep on pushin you fuckin dweeb...You question my right to say how awful this site is becoming, because of the amount of time that I've been a member, when I've been a member longer than you're 2000 post-having ass. Grow up and go grow something, pussy.


Well-Known Member
Indicus you have posted this same question in like 5 other threads that light sucks we told you that theres much better alternatives if you don't want to listen go buy the light we don't care anymore


Active Member
Apologies for the agro responses you are getting here. Some people turn to the internet when their lives are shitty. I left the site already once because of this widespread trollery and constant hate-talk about any light that isn't area 51 or Apache. Anyhow, I always end up back here because of this thriving LED forum. Just ignore the trolls and you'll deny them their petty pleasures.

So for your question... ...I'd stay clear of that funky corn bulb, and go get yourself some CREE or Philips bulbs. If you wanna do something real funky, try some DIY with CoBs. It's way easier than you'd think.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member one will comment on my piece of shit $6 Chinese bulb and that makes this site full of trolls.

What up Gaius..... nice response, I probably should have taken the high road as well. Some people just got a bad attitude (me included)


Well-Known Member one will comment on my piece of shit $6 Chinese bulb and that makes this site full of trolls.

What up Gaius..... nice response, I probably should have taken the high road as well. Some people just got a bad attitude (me included)
Nearly 2000 posts in a year...aunty momma must be proud of ya son...

Appreciate the info, Gaius. Thanks a lot bro, I have been following Cap's Cree thread and plan on getting myself some Cree bulbs instead. It's funny how people over-exaggerate and try to shit on any and everything a person says if he/she doesn't have 1000+ posts. I posted about this in 2 threads after starting this one, nowhere near 5...I come here when I need to for research purposes mostly, but it's obvious there are a few people who live to hate and hate to live. Again, thanks for your time and the respectable response, Gaius, you're a rare breed around these inbred parts!