NeED QUICK ADVICE water schedual due to work

Plants are in there fifth week of flower and are drinking a lot more than before checked them today and they are almost ready to water barely damp two inches below my lights pop on at 7 only I have to be out the door by 630 would I be better off turning the lights on 45 minutes early once and watering in the am or watering 3 and a half hours before lights go off in the afternoon when I get back I gave them a very small drink today barely anything just enough to get them by I case I decide to wait till I get home what would be a better scenario


Well-Known Member
I'd adjust the schedule so that you water in the morning. Just adjust it to be at that time every day.


Well-Known Member
water in the morning. as long as your still keepign a 12/12 light cycle a change of 45 mintues to when it start shouldnt cause enough stress to hermie in my opinion.
you do not want to water before lights off though as the plants will literally just soak there roots in moisture all night. the plant only brings moisture up into the leaves whiel lights are on, at night it keeps the water in its roots, this is why people often see there plants leaves start to droop shortly before lights off


Well-Known Member
you need to keep the 12/12 light cycle, so if you turn them on earlier you need to turn them off earlier to match
Just didnt know if watering 3 hours before lights went off would cause any problems like mold or anything if watering a few hours before lights go off isn't a problem that would be much easier


Well-Known Member
How would watering your plant cause mold? It will raise your humidity just a TAD. Unless it's already high I don't see that happening ever.


Well-Known Member
if its just a one time thing, then dont change your ligth cycle just water when you get back, if its everyday then you need to water in the morning. once watering before lights off shouldnt be to bad. i was under the impression that your work schedule had changed or something so now you were leaving home before ligths on, if its just one day though it outta be fine


Well-Known Member
the concern with watering before lights off is that it just sits in the pots doign nothing until the lights come back on, this can encourage problems liek root rot or mold to develop, as well as makign a nice enviroment for other pests such as fungus gnats. but yeah, as a one time thing it shouldnt cause problems.


Well-Known Member
sure np, im jsut sitting here at my keyboard waiting for grass to grow lol happy to blast off my newbish advice to other newbs like myself, were all in this together!