Need seedling/rockwool help

jimmy b

i donot know what im doin wrong, i have spent hours reading, plant 11 days old, leaf tips are brown and small root out bottom of cube now also has a brown patch. i germed 4 in rw, 2 never came out, they germinated but never surfaced, used distilled water and put them down a seeds depth, room is 80, only added a drop of superthrive and some great white to water, i have spayed them with water with a few drops of b-52 in it, however an said this is safe for seedlings. i am not sure what is going wrong here and if i should do 1/4 strengnh nutes, i think it would kill them, the smaller plant is 3 days younger, all same but looks ok i think but growth has stopped on both, have ww 26w and cw 26 watt cfl on em, i would really appreciate some guidance here since my 1st run at rockwool and hydro

