Need serious serious help!!! I got a hermie GSC!!!


Hello im new to this site and still very new to growing. I have 2 Girl Scout Cookies (GSC) in flowering at week 6 on 600w HPS. i was growing another small little plant for my cousin which hermaphrodited and i didnt know until acouple days after and it pollinated 1 of my GSC. I have found 5 different male flower spots on 3 buds on that GSC. So does anyone know what i should do? cuz i dont want to chop it down yet cuz the buds arent ready to harvest and i dont really have another place to put the plant. I have thought about just maybe snipping the male part of the bud? does anyone know what that will do to the plant? or would you think it would be completely harmless???



I've done it, it would stop the formation of pollen. I would say to use Reverse, a foliar product from Dutch Master. I use that on all my strains right before i make the big flip to 12 / 12. Why did it herm on you ? Have you checked your environment for any possible signs of stress, with regards to temperature fluctuations, high humidity, possible light leaks, etc..try it on one plant and see if has an adverse effects. Also, where did you get the babies from ? was it a reputable source ? how many generations is that GSC ?

"free your mind"