Need some advice/help with topping


Active Member
I've had my plant growing now for 34 days in veg and just the other day I noticed sets of white hairs coming out at the split between stem and obviously i am pretty pumped as it pretty much confirms that i have a mother now. however i have been planning to top her before flowering so that i could get two large colas which = more bud. do you think it's too late to top her? shes top 44, which is generally a small plant, and im not really sure how or where to cut to top her. I put in two pictures of her, the one that tries to show the top leaves is a little blurry. I appreciate any advice or comments you guys might have.



Well-Known Member
Dont top it its all bullshit and you will end up with less weed.

P.s. I have been growing for years. I have tried it all.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
yes you can still top it. just cut the growing top that just above your top 2 fan leaves.
i topped and it took about a week and a half for the 2 tops to start growing. i like to wait about 2 weeks or more after topping before going to 12/12.