Need some advice...Kinda growing in the dark ages


Well, mu situation is this. I live in a small mountain town in Colombia South America. I have what appears to be a Sativa strain growing on the deck of my apartment. I have read that sativas can take up to four months sometimes to finish flowering. I am in week 7 and I have a lot of brown pistils. I dont have anyway to get a pocket microscope or tool like this to look at the tri's. I have a 10x loupe but that doesnt really show me much.

I am concerned about all the brown pistils. The leaves are yellowing quite a bit so I have given a bit of worm compost to boost the nitrogen a bit. I feed a very rudimentary plant food that I found here (14-30-10)

I hope this is enough to get some insight from you more experienced growers out there. I appreciate your help



Well-Known Member
The pistils changing color is totally part of the flowering process, no worries. In fact, most people ask why they're getting new white ones while all the others are turning orange and brown and receeding. You plant appears nice and healthy so you seem to be doing just fine. The only semi bad thing is the time that Sativa normally take but your climate there should help a bit. Nice plant, just give it time, and don't worry about the pistils. Judging from your photos and my past and current experience with Sativa dominant plants, I'm going to guess at anywhere between another 2-5 weeks for yours to be prime. It looks nice, but will fatten up and become more dense in the next few weeks. Don't get impatient now.


I appreciate the comments. You know how it is when your first starting out. You worry about every little thing. You want the best results possible. Again, thanks for the advice Ledhed.