Need some advice on outdoor plant

Hey guys im quite new to growing and this site but its helped me a lot the past few weeks with everything i needed to know. My brother started a plant off and passed it over to me when he went to college, Im very new to this so im not quite sure if my plant is healthy or not. Although im 90% sure its a female! its been growing outside in a fairly large pot for about 7-8 weeks. Ive seen the flower stage of the buds starting to grow small white hairs. I havent had much trouble with it and it seems healthy but the small leaves on the bottom have turned yellow and died. I just started to mix some mira grow into my water and planning on doing it every 7-14 days ( I only put it 1/2 of what it told me worrying it might kill the plant) Although there are some spots on the plant that looks like something ate right threw it? Like holes in the leaves. I water the plant almost every other day keeping the soil moist.

Anyways Im looking for some help to what to give it to keep it healthy and hopefully grow width wise a bit more. Im not sure if its too early but it doesnt have any other big branches coming from the center just one big stem. The plant is about 2 1/2 feet tall maybe? havent really measured it yet. Also should i transplant it into the ground? Here are some pictures if anyone has any advice
Happy growing! :weed:


BlazeD AgaiN

New Member
The plant looks pretty good... I am pretty positive that is a females I can see pistils in picture 2 but u still more than a month to go don't worry juss keep giving it water n nutes if u do... Try molasses if u want to sweeten and make fatter buds... Good Luck take a peak at my grow man tell me what u think I got 10 females...:weed: