need some advice on whether to try and save plant or let it go

the newbies

Active Member
I got a orange kush clone. it was the only one that survived out of 4 . now the mother I took it from has paper thin leaves, deformed leaves, brown edges and rust spots and after 9 wks of growing the stem is still soft...I'm not able to post a pic tonight since the lights are off but tomorrow I will. until then does anyone have any advice on what the problem could be and what I can do to fix it? I would really like to save the kush since its a heavy producer

I just put the clone in a 1gal pot. FFOF mixed 50/50 with LW, azomite and humic acid. T5 two bulb fixture for lighting. it's been two days since I planted so it'll be about a week before I can tell if its gonna be alright but if it starts gettin sick like the mom should I try and save or say fuck it and toss the kush? :-|

there will be pics of the plant tomorrow when the lights are on


Well-Known Member
never hurts to let it go. I kept my first master kush until the day it finally keeled over and died.. Luckily I got 4-5 clones off it before it died.

brown edges i think would be nute burn. have to see pics to confirm.