Need some advice plzzz (pics)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys!

I was just wondering after i saw a video talking about if you see curling or burned tipped leaf its either nute burn or too much salts which = nute lockup.. but it also said it should have a lot of nitrogen!.... after i flushed the soil with some nuetral water... 6 out of 8 plants showed amazing recovery results... and growth. but since now the soil is clear should i add a light nitrogen nute?? any suggestions?

HEre is one of the bad ones :(

and here is many of the great ones :)

Here is what they looked like... this is one of them.. 1 day before the flushing.



Well-Known Member
how old are they? I would wait on the nutes and give them super thrive then after about a week or two start on 1/2 dosage of nutes........................

good luck


Well-Known Member
about 7 weeks old... 3 of them are females.. :) i did not however put 12/12 light... they just started showing those little hairs


Well-Known Member
id just watch the water level for a bit and then maybe go 1/2 of 1/4 to start....what kind of strain is it


Well-Known Member
There are two types of nutrient problems - too much and too little. Too much is regulated through measuring PPM. Too little is also regulated through PPM but more importantly through making sure you have the proper pH. Too high or too low pH can "lock-out" different nutrients.

Determining which problem is occurring is a matter of some trial and error.


Well-Known Member
Ok... so should i get my babies some Super thrive?? or try to look for "blood meal" or Worm Casings ?? 3 if these plants are female.


Well-Known Member
I noticed that there were two plants in one pot, transplant thoes babies into their own environment asap. They will fight for root space, water, etc.


Well-Known Member
Ok.. i jsut transplanted to 2 1 galon pots each with new soil too,... Fox Farm Ocean forest i picked up from a hydroponics store near me. i noticed some roots got got off :( will this kill my female!??! i also bought some PH up and PH down.. by the litre so i can regulate PH ... but from the looks of it.. this foxfarm ph is pretty nuetral according to my gauge. and the water i poured a little to make it moist was at 7 as well.


Well-Known Member
wont kill your plant, just stunt growth for a bit and shock her. good job on the ph tester


Well-Known Member
Should I buy some high nitrogen food? I fed with super thrive yesterday night..... Plants look all droopy.. Gave all plants 200 ml water


Well-Known Member
Should I buy some high nitrogen food? I fed with super thrive yesterday night..... Plants look all droopy.. Gave all plants 200 ml water


Well-Known Member
I use the super thrive every watering until like two weeks into flowering. The droopy could be from under or over watering. Try to stick to a good schedule. Let the soil dry a bit then water

good luck


Well-Known Member
So u think I should get some light nitrogen nute for them? I fed them light dosage of superthrive yesterday night... In galon of water . 200 ml water each plant. Now they are droopy? A lil over water? Brand new foxfarm soil as well with bigger pots


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the double post ....... Yeah I got a hydro shop right accross my work place :) they got everything. I was so happy to find that shop:). I need a good pH tester this rapitest electronic is horrible !! It reads acidic when I put like 10 drops of pH down in the water after shaking and mixing and letting sit for 3 hours. It was tap water


Well-Known Member
get your nutrients there. I use the whole fox farm line, but go and ask what they recommend. Also make sure to let the plants dry a bit so oxygen gets down into the dirt and roots.. And ph tester would be good too. The nutrients should be every other watering and start at about 1/2 strength.

good luck


Well-Known Member
Dude those plants are way to young to be sexed yet. Many new growers often mistake new leafing as reproductive organs. Not to burst you bubble or anything but you got probably about another month before those begin to show. Looks like you only have 2 or 3 nodes on each plant so their still very young. Other than that they look ok.

The browning/curling could be a few things. I would say by the looks of it maybe overwatering/nute burn. More nute burn than anything. Once the plants got to about 3/4 of a foot tall I started using worm poop, and organic nutes from fox farm. Other than that the only thing I would suggest is maybe some nitrogen in the form of blood/bone meal. They will love it. Nothing else is needed yet until they mature.

The color could also be from heat stress or any other stress for that matter. Whats the temp like in there? how close are the lights/heat source? And what are you using to control the temp?