I put nutes on mine and they were young like yours and damn near killed them all. I'm still not sure they will come back... Be very careful. I was too impatient, I wanted to put them in the ground. Now I'm gambling as to whether they will make it or not...very scary!
your soil looks to heavy i know it sounds crazy but VERY carefully dig them up and mix pearlite and vermiculite in to the soil or go buy some good poting soil once they have their 3rd or 4th node start nuting them with a light mix and see it they respond slowly bring them up to a full mix of nuts
The one with no leaves is......Dead haha, but the other ones look right on track, you can start using nute's at 3 to 4 weeks and thats only if you really want to my friend
The one with the cig lighter needs to be replanted down to the first set of leaves. Get some soil that stuff dont look right, go spend 20 bucks and get some Happy Frog or something organic so you dont have to mess with nutes until you flower.
FYI you don't need to spend $20 on a bag of soil. I have Kelloggs Patio Plus going in my garden (with added nutes from DirrtyD's soil recipe) that I can get all day for $6/bag