Need some advise


Active Member do everyone....Puffer1 here ....could use a little guidance folks.....growing critical kush and am on my 17th day of flowering.....growing in pro-mix and using the lucas formula (flora nova bloom 8ml per gal for feeding)......ppm is hanging around a 1,000 and ph is 6.2....using RO water...had a little cal/mag problem early on so I raised the ph from 5.8 to 6.2 and it solved the problem....plants are very green and healthy and bushy as well and using a 1000w hps.....the sites are all developing but I am noticing a light brown tinge to the white pistols at the flower sites...I've noticed this before on other strains as this anything to worry about...I was thinking possible deficiency.....any help would be appreciated....


Well-Known Member
Don't sweat it man, it can happen if you touch the pistils or could just be the strain or could be just the oldest pistils receding. They will also do that if they have been pollinated. I wouldn't worry at all with a plant as healthy as you say it is. Look at the leaves and stems for deficiency not the pistils. Stop touching them if you have been.
Good Luck


Active Member
....thank you sir.....and yes, I have been touching them......your explanation is very logical....I'm almost four years in trying to master this but believe it or not, my best crops were in the beginning when I had very little knowledge...the more I tried to improve it seems the worse it got .....using the Lucas formula has made everything easy.....hopefully this will be my best crop.....thanks again


Active Member
....I'm old school "dannyboy602"..... was a very successful outdoor grower back in the early 80's....but indoor growing is a science all by itself......


Well-Known Member
I hear that, I started as an outdoor grower myself. Was the late 90's though... it is a science unto itself, I go the DIY supersoil route myself but there are many ways to skin a cat...