need some experienced help

Okay, so I'm about to venture into the fabulous world of growing! I have a few questions to ask you knowledgeable cultivators. I am doing dirt my first couple of grows and will be using a 1000 watt HPS.

Should I mix my own soil or buy it from the grow store, if pre packaged which brands are having the best results.

Which nutes work the best in dirt grows.

4x4x7 box or 5x5x7 box,
I only plan on four plants for now. ( my buddy tells me I won't be able to stop at 4). And what's the best reflective....the insulation or mylar.

Am I asking to much of myself being a noob to do scrog style grow.

Was thinking about lots of eyelets in various locations in the box so I could tie branches for training, is there a easier way.

Thanks for looking!


Well-Known Member
Shit lol for 4 plants a 400 or a 600 would had been perfect x) 1000w is for super farmers that farm up to 10plants or alot more! My farm experiences arent the more advanced but i read about cannabis and post for about 2 years and half now every days if you are going to cultivate in soil then i would say to go with a bio nuts brand. You can make your own super soil if you can find a decent recipes! its really the best (: Otherwise sunshine soil or foxfarm from what i heard work really good! I got my own soil from a farmer that live near me and seriously homemade soil rock hard! I never tested sunshine, foxfarm or anyother brands too compare but i know from alot of post that they work perfectly (: Hope this was helpful! And mylar is the best i think i dont really know the other one but mylar is one of the best reflective material you can buy! You cant go wrong with it ^^
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Well-Known Member
Btw do you know yet what are going to be your first 4 little babys? Im curious lol! If you search for a good brand to begin with try Humbolt seed organisation ( HSO ) seeds^^ Their genetics are pretty damn good! From seed to smoke^^

DJ short would be the best to go with for your seed, they cost alots but the results are more than amasing! It would get you familiar in the sametime with female and male since he only sell normal seeds (: Peace!


bud bootlegger
i agree, the 1k might be a bit of over kill imvho..
as far as soil, i use fox farms ocean forest and never have any issues.. mixing your own is nice, but it can get a bit involved and takes a good amount of time for the soil to cook for a new grower, it might not really be worth it for now imo..
as far as nutes, there's tons of stuff out there.. just find something that works for you.. a lot of people love dyna grow, but i've never seen it around my way.. fox farms has a three part that works good ime.. umm, botanicare is also another good one.. there's just tons of stuff out there you can use, it's just up to you to find one you like and get good results with..
mylar is only about i think 5% more reflective then flat white paint is. flat white is like 80% reflective, and mylar is like 85 or so % off of the top of my head..

i wouldn't attempt a scrog for my first grow, the same i wouldn't recommend a hydro grow right off of the bat.. that's not to say it can't be done, but why complicate crap imo when you don't have too? i'd just get a few grows under my belt first.. maybe try some lst or super cropping if you want to expirement around a bit..
Btw do you know yet what are going to be your first 4 little babys? Im curious lol! If you search for a good brand to begin with try Humbolt seed organisation ( HSO ) seeds^^ Their genetics are pretty damn good! From seed to smoke^^

DJ short would be the best to go with for your seed, they cost alots but the results are more than amasing! It would get you familiar in the sametime with female and male since he only sell normal seeds (: Peace!
Thanks for the info man! I'm actually getting sour diesel clones. I thought the 1000 would be overkill but I'm sure I will want to expand and figured why not have the right shit from the beginning instead of having to get it later lol.
Shit lol for 4 plants a 400 or a 600 would had been perfect x) 1000w is for super farmers that farm up to 10plants or alot more! My farm experiences arent the more advanced but i read about cannabis and post for about 2 years and half now every days if you are going to cultivate in soil then i would say to go with a bio nuts brand. You can make your own super soil if you can find a decent recipes! its really the best (: Otherwise sunshine soil or foxfarm from what i heard work really good! I got my own soil from a farmer that live near me and seriously homemade soil rock hard! I never tested sunshine, foxfarm or anyother brands too compare but i know from alot of post that they work perfectly (: Hope this was helpful! And mylar is the best i think i dont really know the other one but mylar is one of the best reflective material you can buy! You cant go wrong with it ^^
Awesome, thanks man I really didn't know whether to run the reflective foam insulation or not. The 1000 watt is free of charge and I'm sure I will upgrade the amount of plants for my second grow so maybe I will try a dimmable ballast if I can run one on the hood I'm being given.


Well-Known Member
Awesome, thanks man I really didn't know whether to run the reflective foam insulation or not. The 1000 watt is free of charge and I'm sure I will upgrade the amount of plants for my second grow so maybe I will try a dimmable ballast if I can run one on the hood I'm being given.
No problem man its a pleasure too help!(: Have a good grow session :joint::grin: