Need some help/criticism. Newer grower baby girl 5 weeks into flowering about 2mthold

I'm a new grower I know some this is my second plant grown first one was a male :[
I have no idea what the strain is as it is just bag seed. Most likely schwag though :/

Im 5 weeks into flowering and I wanna know if shes on track or stunted, shes only 2 months old just about. I'm using CFL's 5 of them to be exact. I really need another one but just cant afford it sadly. Backstory on her. Germd from seed of course let her grow about 2 weeks before flowering she was about 6 inches tall at this point I didn't want her getting much bigger due to my space as you can see that failed -.-.. threw 12/12 on she hit a major growth spurt and grew about 1 to 1.5 in per day.. was ridiculous thought i saw a new plant everyday.. Im just using miracle grow all purpose plant food. Reason why im making this post is because i had planned at starting to flush her on monday.. but I dont know if its time due to how she looks. I have to move the lights around every other day and a developing bud looks like its not getting enough light :/ And shes 2 feet around and i really wanna shorten that if possible. So any help would be much appreciated. This is my first well second grow. First female. Dont hesitate to enlarge the pics!!
View attachment 1187272This is the whole plant shes about 3ft. Started flowering her at 6 inches.
View attachment 1187273Side view.
View attachment 1187275
View attachment 1187282
View attachment 1187283Tried to take the best photo of the pistils that I could. You can see them sticking out the stems better.
View attachment 1187284
I wanna know also if theres any way/method i can bunch her up at the bottom and trim her to get more light from the top to those bottom/side branches theres about 8 total budsites on the bottom level alone ><


Well-Known Member
I think your timer is broken and its getting 24 / 7 light, it looks like a female in late veg showing signs of her sex but doesnt look like its in flower.
hmm ive had it on 12/12 for the past 5 weeks i do keep moving the lights up(im scared that top site is going to burn) or 2 might be too bright also. im using 2 7500k daylight bulb/cfls 1 under a HUD and one that shines the side branch in pic 3. otherwise just normal bright ones as i dont know alot about the budding stage I figured somethign was wrong but my timer is on 12/12 and has been for 5 weeks. I water her when she droops in the dark. Those pistils have been there for about 4 weeks.
If im doing something wrong I have no idea what.. however I wish i could bunch the 8 branches up to stop brushing the sides so it can get more light and make her stop growing.


Weed Modifier
hmm ive had it on 12/12 for the past 5 weeks i do keep moving the lights up(im scared that top site is going to burn) or 2 might be too bright also. im using 2 7500k daylight bulb/cfls 1 under a HUD and one that shines the side branch in pic 3. otherwise just normal bright ones as i dont know alot about the budding stage I figured somethign was wrong but my timer is on 12/12 and has been for 5 weeks. I water her when she droops in the dark. Those pistils have been there for about 4 weeks.
I think it might have something to do with flipping the light cycle to early...delaying the actual flowering, or could you have light leaks during your dark period?


Active Member
first of all just because you put the lights on 12/12 doesnt mean that the plant is going to flower. it has to reach sexual maturity before it will flower. that takes about 6 weeks so since you have been on 12/12 5 weeks and started at 2 weeks you are just 7 weeks into the plants life cycle. you should start to see budding now and then you have to wait another 8 weeks untill she is even ready to be harvested. sorry to say but you have a long way to go. so continue to feed and water as you have been doing. now that the growth spert is over flowers are coming. do your best to add a few more lights when ever you can and get them close about 4 inches away. 8 weeks more atleast till you have to flush
that is downright depressing haha. I was under the impression I could induce flowering by just switching to 12/12 whereas I could've kept it in 24. Lesson learned! :p A few other questions though to anyone. Could I bunch up the bottom with string to point all the branches up.. for a few reasons. I want more light from the top HUD to penetrate further down so I can make better use of my lights and get her off the sides of the room. And is the 7500k too bright for flowering? I've heard from here and there that you should use 6500k and less. Finally does she look healthy?


Active Member
you wouldnt want to bunch the bottom up you would want to bring the top down. they call it lst-ing. but bringing the top down will allow you to get your light closer to the plant. intensifing the amount of light it gets and the area of coverage. i for one dont believe 24 hour light cycle is good for your plant. we know that a plant releases its toxics at night and produces it sugars in the dark. do i feel at 4 hours of darkness is a necessity for maximium plant growth. i hav tried 24 and have much better results with 20. so gently pull the top down as far as you can and secure it to the side of you container with some string or twisty ties and move your lights closer


Well-Known Member
Cut it down and grow some real bud. i guess if you are learning it was not a complete waste of time but get some good genetics and you have nothing else to blame if they do not turn out right but yourself....Good luck JR


also for height next time you might try FIM (F*CK i missed) pruning, where you snip the top 75% of top bud when its about three to four weeks old. theres a huge advantage to this. it will give four main flowering tops instead of one. i only gotten three so far but only tryed it on one plant. and you will get VERY bushy plants