Need some help! Information on...


New Member
I have 24 plants indoors but not enough light. So I am going to put 8 of them outside. Now I have 4 plants per square foot... 16 in a 2 x 2 foot area of space. I plan on having one female for every 4.

Should I plan on having more females? How big do you think they will get ouside if I put them in the ground? About what month should be harvest time if the location is in the South? If I have a 400w MH and four 125w CFLs is this enough light for those 16 to veg off of? When they flower I plan on cutting at least half if not more.. so when I put the HPS bulb in... it should be around 4 to 5 females...

please someone doulbe check me on this


New Member
That really doesn't answer my question at all...

When you germinate an amount of seeds half will be male and half female. About how many females would one have if he germinated 22? Under normal conditions of course.

The other question was pertaining to the plants outside. How big will they get in the south? Again under normal conditions.. planted in the ground with soil.