Need some help please (Flowering plant problems)


Active Member
Below are some pictures of the continuing problems I am having with my first grow. This plant is of an unknown strain and in its fourth week of flowering. It was previously diagnosed as having high Nitrogen a couple weeks ago. I transferred it to a larger pot, to reduce watering times, and flushed it with FloraKleen.

Vital Stats
Was in 3 gal air pot with FFOF soil. Transferred to a 5 gal air pot and used coco to replace as much soil as I could
Day time temps run 78-80F and night time temps 70-72
400W HPS turned down to 75%
Used FF Tiger Bloom 2-8-4 at 1/4 strength after the third watering (water PHs to 6.5-6.9)

This problem is mainly isolated to the lower fan leaves but is starting to show up on some of the upper leaves.

I can usually grow everything and this little plant is stressing me out, especially so far into flower. I really have no idea what is causing this or how to fix it. If it's still has high N; how do I correct it other than flushing again?



Well-Known Member
I think your problem is to low of Nitrogen. If you flushed it and put it in coco then it needs food. looks like every case of low nitrogen i have had in my experience.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i agree with pineapple. also looks like a little magnesium would help. any good balanced fertilizer should have have plenty of each to solve the problem. GL


Well-Known Member
They are. I found to always take it slow with ferts in soil. try to find a system that works for you. Read your plants they will tell you what they need and when they need it. your tiger bloom is to low in Nitrogen so you will need a nitrogen supplement to keep your plant green threw flower.


Active Member
Try this-- flush the plant with plain old tap water- when it stops draining- dump in about 1/2 gallon of your vegging solution at the rate recommended for the plant if it were a week younger.... If you are not using a mixing chart- make sure you get one ASAP- many nutes are NOT complete and have other components meant to be used with them.... and if you are mixing too weak/too strong... you'll never really know because a deficiency looks the same as a lock-up because they effect the plant the same way.

Good Luck!!!!
(BTW- if the leaves are more than 1/2 way dead- remove them- they just take energy from the plant and will not heal!)

***EDIT- just read that you replaced as much of the soil as you could with coco-- BAD MOVE IMO-- you disturbed the roots, and coco is NOT pH neutral... you MAY have a pH issue--- do you check the pH of your runoff? If not- time to start! then adjust your nutes/water up or down to compensate!


Active Member

I generally PH going in and haven't checked the runoff but will tomorrow. Before I added the coco I rinsed with several gal of PHd water to make sure it was good before I added it. When I transplanted I did very little to the root cluster and only shook off the excess soil.

Thanks for the feed chart Surfhead. According to that chart I was way underfeeding so that may be my whole problem.