need some help please


Active Member
Hello, I have a few questions I need cleared up. First let me get you familiar with my setup. I have three females 2.5 ft tall, growing on soil under eight, four foot fluorescent fixtures on 24 hrs a day. They have been growing vegitatively for two months and I just switched them to 12/12 two weeks ago to show sex. Origionally had seven plants, four were males taken out of the batch and put under seperate lighting. I want to take clones off the females eventually. Can I put them back to 24 hrs a day setting them back into vegitative state? One of the plants was ahead of the others and has small buds growing. What do I do about that? I want clones off all three of them, being that they are seperate strains. Someone please walk me through this one. Oh yeah, can i get any bud from the males or should I toss them? Thanks for reading this and any help you can give would be priceless!


Well-Known Member
If the males were takin out and put in new lighting in the same house or somtimes same neiborhood you will have seeds in your bud.

I dont like to stop flower mode due to the hermy factor. clones should have been takin before 12/12 was started