Need some help to decide ... Lights&Space


Well-Known Member
1st. of all I have no experience at all ...
I thought of a 2x2 or 3x3 space or anything in between.
For the light im getting gen7 vero 29's (was looking into the cxm22's wich are the best according to some charts for ppfd but couldnt find really anything about them besides in the charts ... however the veros are purchaseable so im going with them).
For bloom i thought of 4 x 3000k @ 50w powered by a hlg-185h-c1400a.
Now i wonder how many plants can i put under these or better what space do these cover and is it enough light ?
Next is 5000k for veg, but how many do i need ? im not sure about the size of the plants when going from veg to bloom (what i want to know is how many plants can i squeeze under one 5000k cob compared to when they go to bloom under 3000k. or to make it simple how many 5000k cobs do i need when im going to bloom under 4x 3000k)
Do i run the 5000k and 3000k at the same time at some point ? couldnt find a guide that coverd this (you basically find ever thread when searching for anything with 5000 or 3000k).
edit: cooling with alpine 11pro
Welcome, L1ne
First ?- any experience gardening?
For a closet grow that size I wouldn't try any more than a couple of plants. I'd stick with basic soil grow using good soil unless you are familiar with other methods. Make sure that you have thought about climate control/ventilation for the space.
I run Vero arrays in my grow room. I'd just use a 3500k cob rather than separate fixtures/cobs for veg-flower. It's just as effective and much cheaper. 30-40w/sq ft of power will work great
yeah a little bit ... was going to do a control station with a raspberry or arduino for venting and taking stuff like humidity and soil moisture, temps and so on.
what i was reading is that the 3500k do worse than the 3000k bloomning. another problem is that i cant get the 3500k besides a very bad bin with like 11k lumen instead of possible 16k(the 3000k version) wich kinda suxx. Otherwise i guess i would go for the 3500k cuz its my first try.
The 3k would also be suitable. 30-40w/ sq ft is the average power density you want to provide to get enough light. So your 3x3 would handle a 320w driver/array combo(320w/9 sq ft=35.6w/sqft). How you use those 320w is up to you. I have a few Vero29 4 array bars that are very effective. I also use F-strips in fixtures that are fantastic. That's the beauty of DIY fixtures-you build to fit YOUR space so use that as a guide to design the fixture. It's better to try and get an even spread of light across your canopy rather than spotlights.
The 3k would also be suitable.
Is 3k full spectrum too ? or do you talk about bloom? ... found that the "vero 29 se" are available at 3500k with 17k lumen ... but i think im not goint with 3x3 ... to expensive and on 2nd thought it might be a little bit too much for myself to smoke :D. I think 2x2 or 2x3 its gonna get. But if i go with 3k and 5k i could do 2 rooms so veg and bloom wouldnt interfere and i could put plants from veg to bloom whenever i want(harvest at different times).
Yes, 3k works from seed to flower. Veg spaces can get by with approx. 1/2 the power density you need during flower. If you're set of doing separate spaces, I'd shoot for the same 30-40w/ sqft for the flower side and 20-30w/ sq ft on the veg side.