Need some help with the flowering stage...

My babies just went into flowering last week, AKA this is my first time flowering, and I wanted to get some tips, such as:

what is the correct temperature and humidity range for them to bud in?

if using soil, how often should they be watered/fed with nutes in this stage?

what are some good nutes to use?

any other help?



Well-Known Member
Temp... 70-80 is fine. 75-77 is perfect.
humidity... 30-50 is ok. 40ish is best.
Most feed once a week and water once a week.
i like fox farm ocean mix soil and the full line of fox farm nuits.


Active Member
My babies just went into flowering last week, AKA this is my first time flowering, and I wanted to get some tips, such as:

what is the correct temperature and humidity range for them to bud in?

if using soil, how often should they be watered/fed with nutes in this stage?

what are some good nutes to use?

any other help?

Just water your plants with your nutrients in your water when the top of the soil drys out. DONT water to much. its easy to do and hurts tha plant