Need some help with the right dosage of edibles to eat? (featuring funny/bad first trip story)


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I have some heart and lung issues that make it so I really can't smoke or vape, so I never really tried marijuana at all. Well I have sleeping problems and I can't continue to take these sleeping pills anymore so my dad (who is not really a "drug-supporter" at all) even said to me he would rather me smoke pot than take the sleeping pills because the pills have a worse effect on me, at least in the long term. I tried an edible a few weeks ago. It was a Scooby Snack Mud Pie. It didn't say how much was in it or dosage or anything like that, all it said was "Made with 10x Canna Butter" but I have no idea what that means and neither did my brother or my friend (both are frequent marijuana users). I was with my friend and he told me to just try 1/4 of it so I did. He had about 1/3 of his Scooby Snack Cookie thing at the same time. Within an hour he was stoned and I was barely feeling light headed whatsoever. I am used to feeling light headed with my sleeping pills, but it was not even the same amount of light headedness you get from standing up too quickly. So I ended up waiting about 2 hours before I came to the conclusion that I really didn't feel much at all. My friend said to eat 1/3 of his cookie so I did (that means I had eaten 1/4 of my edible and 1/3 of his edible). I waited another 2 hours and didn't really feel anything more than a little more light headedness and my friend said I didn't even look high. He told me to just eat the rest of his edible (meaning I had 2/3 of his edible and 1/4 of my edible). Finally after about an hour and a half after eating the rest of his edible I actually felt high and I felt like I could go to sleep. Well unfortunately that was at like 3am or 4am and I had to get up for work the next day at 8am. Well I woke higher than I was when I went to bed. I managed to somehow get out of bed and while going to the bathroom decided I was in no shape to safely shower and in no shape to safely drive to work. I don't remember how but I ended up on the couch and eventually my friend's girlfriend walked into the apartment and found me on the couch. I could barely get out words to her apparently and so she went an got my friend who helped me walk back to my room and I immediately fell back asleep for 6 hours. I woke up periodically during the day and I was less high each time I woke up but I was never sober enough to be able to drive a car at all. I woke up the next day at like 10am and I was finally completely sober. I had gotten about 30 hours of sleep between the time I went to bed after eating the last 1/3 of my friend's edible and the time I woke up and was completely sober.

I waited a week before giving it another try. I only ate 1/4 of the edible and refused to allow myself to eat more than that. I didn't get high at all after waiting like 6 hours so I ended up just taking half a sleeping pill in order to fall asleep. I didn't wake up higher than I was when I went to bed which was definitely an improvement. 2 days later (last night) I tried eating about 3/8 (almost 1/2 but not quite) of the edible and it didn't hit me for like 4 hours again. I didn't wake up higher than I was when I went to bed, but I did wake up 10 hours later and I was still high which is what I am trying to avoid.

I want to be able to replace my sleeping pills with edibles so that I can avoid the memory loss and all that crap that come from long term use of the sleeping pills.

So my questions are:
1. How can I tell what the dosage is on edibles?
2. I know there is no consistence and no normal dosage, but what does 10x Canna Butter mean for the dosage and are there any other common phrases like that, which would tell me the dosage?
3. How much should I be eating in order to not feel it the next morning?
4. How can I make the marijuana take effect faster? Since its supposed to be a sleep aid for me, I need it to take effect as soon as possible, like for my sleeping pills it takes no longer than an hour but I know edibles usually start to take effect after an hour... but how do I make it so I don't have to wait 4 hours like I have been?
5. If you happen to know, what are other methods to ingest marijuana other than smoke, vape, or edibles? I know theres others out there, but what are the quickest forms? My friend said something about THC drops that take effect immediately, but I have no knowledge on drops. Keep in mind the fact that I can't smoke or vape or anything where the lungs are involved because of my lung problems, so I would appreciate alternatives to edibles that might take effect faster and help me solve my sleep problems.

Thanks tho anyone who at least took the time to respond or to read it all. Like I said, I'm new to marijuana because I have never been able to smoke or vape and I already take enough drugs as it is (prescribed drugs though, such as: Adderall and Ambien). I appreciate any information you guys have to offer me.
Google Green Dragon tincture. It may be what you are looking for.

Also Rick Simpson Oil.

Dose varies by person. I am not familiar with any commercial edibles so can't help there.