Need Some Help With Watering


Active Member
yea i am growing indoors and i have about 4 plants that are about 2 inches high and im going out of town for 6 days and i was needing some help on what to do about watering them while i am away? What should i do?


Well-Known Member
What type of setup do you have.
Do you have a pump.
Sry dude, but I would stay home for a few days.
It seems you dont have a clue, and I would hate to hear
your plants dying by the time you get back.


Active Member
yea i would stay home but i got a dad thats coming home from iraq that i havent seen in 3 years and i need to make sure my plants make it!! i need a good but unexpensive way to make a drip system!!!

im growing indoors in a closet thats about 3 x 5 and i have two 400 watt metal halide fixtures about 5 inches above them!


Well-Known Member
That might be overkill at 2 inches I wouldbe using a mini cfl for plants that small and work my way up.


Well-Known Member
you said your plant is only 2 inchs tall, put them in a bigger pot and water it. They should be able to survive 6 day without having to water them because of the bigger pot with alot more moist.


Well-Known Member
hmm well the plants wont soak up much water in 6 days but the light and heat from the lights might. how hot is it in your room? also what are your humidity levels like?