Need some help


Active Member
I’m starting my 5th grow in a few days and I’m making a few changes, for me major changes.

I will be trying my hand with autos flowers for the next few runs, photos are great however they just take to long.

Im pretty certain I want to go the living soil, super soil, organic route in the future (sooner then later) because I hate having to always PH my water before feeds, and having to ratio the nutes every time. So I’m currently waiting for a bunch of products from down to earth and have purchased Auto XL self water pots.

I’ve also recently started a compost bin with red wiggler worms for future grows.

My basic compost teas will contain the following ingredients. Gaia earth worm castings, “Recharge” for microbe's, and black molasses

I've switched mediums from mother of earth terracraft to coco loca. And I have switched from cyco liquid nutes to general hydroponics trio foe the time being.

My environment has been dialed in for over a week now but I’m hesitating to start the grow because I have a few unanswered questions and just need them answered before I begin.

Question 1: When making compost tea can the following be added. Blood meal, bone meal, kelp meal, seabird guano, bat guano, fish bone meal, and neem seed meal, or is it over kill for a tea? Also what temperature should i maintain foe the tea? All of this is from down to earth.

Question 2: Does watering the plant with a tea replace its normal watering for that day or should I water again with nutrients (I think it may overwater the plant)???

Question 3: Since I’m using GH do I just add the nutes in a gallon of water and PH like normal or do I have to use a bubbler like how you brew a tea?

Question 4: Can the nutrients be mixed together in a tea?

And finally,

Question 5: How would I add diatomaceous earth to add silica. Do i top dress or add to a tea?

Thank you all in advance for your advice.

My setup:

3x3x6 Ac infinity tent
S33 Ac infinity led lights
Coco Loco from FF
Two 3 gallon fabric pots
Recharge for microbes
Black molasses
Worm castings
GH flora trio gro, micro, and bloom.
Bone meal, Kelp meal, Bat guano, Blood meal, Fish bone meal, Neem meal, and seabird guano
Diatomaceous earth
Cal mag

For future runs:

Auto pot XL (won’t be using just yet)
Other down to earth products for future soils (not yet received).

My seeds:

Jack Herer Auto, Original Cheese Auto, Gorilla Auto, Mimosa Cake Auto, and Orange Sherbet Auto from fastbuds.

Mint cake fem photo from N.A.S company

Grand Daddy Auto from N.A.S company

first run will be GDP and JH Autos.