need some help


Well-Known Member
all my plants leafs tips are turning an orangish / brownish/yellowish color and curling up i thinks it the humidity but im not sure and ideas or any ways i can help my babys out ???


Active Member
I cant claim to know anything about growing but you should consider posting a picture or two. It might also help if you tells us more about your grow indoor/outdoor, type of lights, # of weeks old.


Well-Known Member
ok i have a 200 wat light bulb on 2 plants, indoor the light is about 1ft away from the plants and they are 3 weeks today ill try to post a picture. the only thing is i dont have a printer/scanner w/e to post one so i have to go a friend house or sumshit and i water every other day example w=water p=pass
{W}-{P}-{W} or {W}-{P}-{P}-{W} becuz i dont have a set water limit because im not sure how much to water them at this point hence my name but today i gave them 7oz of water each. Good? Bad?? i looked at grow faq and i couldnt find how much to water so... can someone give me hand?


Well-Known Member
Cannabis likes to be watered thoroughly and then not watered again until the soil dries out completely. Dry soil promotes root growth and you want this. Learn to judge watering by feeling the weight of the pot; you'll know what "needs watering" feels like. You can even judge by looking at the plants -- when they get thirsty, they look sad and start to wilt. This is OK because the plants recover quickly once you water them, but the weight-of-the-pot method is recommended.

The need for watering will vary significantly during the growing process and will differ from plant to plant. This is why a fixed schedule like you have is not ideal.

When you water, water until water comes out of the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot. Water the soil from the middle all the way to the edges of the pot -- not just in the middle.


Well-Known Member
thnx lots i juss went and picked up both my pots and trying to rember how heavy they are and thnx for the advice on watering ill always keep that in mind bu ti have one more ? wat is PH? o yeah and i water from edges in and my plants are about 7 inches tall


Active Member
dont bother lifting up the pots i dropped one doing that just stick your finger in about an inch below surface if they feel dry then give them water - you can tell when they need water as all the fan leaves will drop and point downward and overall your plant looks quite "sad" :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
does anyone know if a 200 watt light bulb is to much for a plant that is 8 inches tall and a 1ft away from the plant