need some ideas for building drying racks in a 5x15 foot drying room.


Active Member
I have a five by fifteen foot room that I'm building for my drying and curing room it is completely empty it has a 6 inch fan hooked to a charcoal filter that is hooked to a fan speed controller so I can adjust the fan speed.I want to build some shelves from floor to ceiling that hold some kind of screens(kind of like the racks in an old dehydrator)
any ideas or pictures of drying racks or drying room would be great or even ideas on the type of screen i should use on the racks too.


Active Member
I think a cheap solution would be wooden frames and staple window screen over them, not sure if the screen would be better with larger holes than that would be better suited for drying though. I made a drying solution out of a 2.5' x 2.5' x 5.5' tent and used an old large baby gate, that I seperated into two pieces,seems to work pretty good, not sure if that helps.