Need Some Insight on Some Questions I've Been Pondering. Please Help with Seed Exp.


Well-Known Member
so i live in so cal, USA and im a medical approved medical marijuana user, i grow a about 3 to 4 plants at a time,because of the area i live in i have unlimited access to clones from a plethora of dispensaries within minutes which ive 100% good luck with time and time again, BUT...i see everyone talking about attitude seeds and what not, now i realize buying from a seedbank is sometimes the only option for illegal growers or people who live in the boondocks but does anyone see anyone in my position benefiting from purchasing a couple seeds from a site like that, feminized of course....

the reason i asked is because i clicked on the website and seen some feminized seeds of some pretty good strains for like 10-30 many seeds come in a "package"??...are they really always female???...any advice would be greatly appreciated!...if this DOES sound like a good idea whats some good cheap feminized seeds from them that would do in a small 3ft x 2 ft x 5ft cabinet with a 400 watt mh for veg / hps for flower system, click on my signature if interested in seeing what my set up is, thanks team riu!!!!!!


Active Member
Well when u buy feminized seeds they are always female plants and u can buy different amounts it will tell u how many come in a package. so personaly i think its worth it


Well-Known Member
Feminized seeds have a 90% female rate as opposed to 50/50% with regular seeds. On the site they say how many are in the package for that amount. Another reason to buy from a seed bank is to get a variety from a specific breeder. You can't get that sort of selection locally.


Well-Known Member
as one in the boondocks(legal wise), i will say the seed banks are god send for us outside of cali
i guess this is a classic 'do i buy local or from amazon(kind of)?', you're probably much better dialed in on what's available locally
feminized seeds are not 100% female, but mostly female, how much depends on the breeder


Well-Known Member
thanks everyone, all these answers sound right on the money and i kinda already figured as much, i dunno, since i only do (have space for) 3-4 plants at a time i just wanted some crazy gnarly strains that they dont ever have around here...


Well-Known Member
ok so heres the deal, i seen on attitude, 1 seed for 11 bux, even if it doesnt crack or do good its only 11 bucks....the one i wanted to get was barneys farm blue cheese, looks great and indica, anyone have any experience with this seed/strain???