need some insight


Active Member
comment on meh plant, first grow ever. dad and bro fuckin put it in flowering too early in my opinion, its only about 7 inches tall.

i had more lights on it but i took them out for the pic. this is strictly a cfl grow, the plant isnt very big and i know you cant really see it good in the pic, but we have only been growing it for 4 and a half weeks.

i used daylight bulbs up until now and am now using the soft white (couldnt get warm white from store, only online i think), i think it is going really well considering its grown about half its own size since the 5 days its been under the soft white light.

i just have one question, since i was away and not able to take care of the little girl (i hope it is) what happens if you put a plant in flowering too early, i saw the pistils on it but no hairs, and i tried to tell them that it needed to be in the veg state for longer, but they are fucking impatient and couldnt wait i guess, they already switched the light cycle and everything.

so if someone could shed some light on that subject it would be great.


happy toking



Active Member
It should be fine, you can start flowering when they are just little sprouts, the only thing is that they'll be smaller (smaller harvest).
Enjoy your grow