Need some tips on water supply

I have a ac unit that has the amazing ability to create what is essentially reverse osmosis water (its drained as waste) w00t. Its a perfect piece of equipment the waste water from cooling the inside/removing humidity from the room creates almost the perfect amount of water to get everything done. And when you check the ppm its runs around 28 instead of the 190 straight tap here runs. Although I run a brita and let it sit and get the ppm down to 140 in 24 hrs and mix that in my rez and the result is water with ppm around 60-110.


Well-Known Member
SweetnHeavy : watch using that run off from the a/c. Yes it is usually clean water but watch for bacteria ect.. to form inside the a/c unit. No telling what kind of nasties come off of it. If it was a new A/c unit when you put it in then you shouldnt need to worry. But if it was used as a normal a/c unit in a window then watch it :)


I have a ac unit that has the amazing ability to create what is essentially reverse osmosis water (its drained as waste) w00t. Its a perfect piece of equipment the waste water from cooling the inside/removing humidity from the room creates almost the perfect amount of water to get everything done. And when you check the ppm its runs around 28 instead of the 190 straight tap here runs. Although I run a brita and let it sit and get the ppm down to 140 in 24 hrs and mix that in my rez and the result is water with ppm around 60-110.
I have a hydrologic 200 stealth filter... I'm pretty good with that...

What I'm trying to achieve is automation of the flood process... I want to make it so when I press one switch the water starts to filter and goes to the proper rez...
Then I add nutrient by hand, or maybe someone can tip on how to automate that as well...
Then at the press of another switch the trays flood....

Any ideas, any tips, please!