need sum help, pics included. indoor grow!!!!!! too much fert or dificency?

im about 8 or 9 weeks into vegatative stage. indica plants. currently in 24 hour light, 400 watt metal halide. using foxfarms ocean forest soil, and foxfarms grow big and big bloom at half strength. i water with distilled water when the soil drys out and plants look a little droopy. ph is at 6.5 to just below 7. some leaves are turning a light green to almost a yellowish color. some stems have a reddish to purplish color..each post after this will be for a seperate plants with pics included to help... thank you for your help!



Well-Known Member
I would stop using distilled water. I don't think the ff your using covers all that missing in that water. I could be wrong just my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
those look better than my poor plant -- im a total noob, and would look at these plants as healthy.. interested to see what issue you have, if any..
plant #5- 18"tall, 15"wide. you can see in some of these pictures how some leaves are dark green with blotchy lighter green in them at spots.



Active Member
most of these dont look that bad at all..a couple i would say are just slightly unbalanced with nutes, feed with water for a week then try and rebalance your nutes better..nothing looks critical
thanks everyone for the replies! dalefthandman, i agree, i dont think that its anything too threatening at this point but i just want to make certain of the problem before i go trying to correct it. i plan on flowering in another week or 2..all girls are showing sex. its just that untill now all of the leaves have been dark dark green to almost a blueish tent.