need to buy a new light system


Well-Known Member
:wall:hello riu fam, im not happy with my cfl"s i have 15 cfls in my grow box and its a nice grow dont get me wrong but i want something better for my 12 girls. can anyone tell me out of the 400watt and the 600 watt blaster light system witch one will give me the best grow without tipping off the light company? or should i buy the t5 flo system off of ebay, it comes with 16 lights 8 cool and 8 warm lights?


Well-Known Member
Do you have a computer? Is it on all the time?
A new computer gets turned on and left on 24/7 every minute. Most desktop computers have more than a 350 watt power supply. Add two mointors and speakers, perhaps a router too, and that right there is the equivilant of your grow lights. With the amount of electronic devices out on the market. Electric companies dont waste their time when someone starts using 1000 extra watts an hour. You think the electric company tips off the cops every time someone gets a new electric dryer, fridge, heater, ac, or stove and plugs it in?

If you are that worried about your electric bill, then replace ALL the lights in your house with CFLs. Dont turn lights on when you walk into a room to grab something. Crap with the lights off and the door open. Unplug your cable box, tv, dvd player, and all other electronics when not in use.

From what i have read. The people around here are warming up to CFLs for cloning/seedlings and veg stage, but still recommend HPS for flowering.

I say, keep the CFLs (what color temperature are they and how many actual watts). Your prob may be just the way you have the lights arranged.


Well-Known Member
they are all 6500k 23watts that are 2 inches away from the girls. they are in rows of 3"s in a 3foot by 3 foot by 2feet box


Well-Known Member
i just see people talking about the hps blaster system i thought that the blaster system will be better to grow and faster


Active Member
if you want a 400 switchable will do you fine but you will need a fan to keep down the heat if you like the results you have been getting off your cfls go with the one you saw on ebay stick with what you know or fell comfortable with


Well-Known Member
whatup mang i just got a 400w switchable MH/HPS, if you get one you can switch bulbs.. cool metal hallides are beautiful white light, plants love it... switch to hps to flower and boom